2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Just realized that as of a few days ago, I've been a member here on Scubaboard for 8 years!

Man... time sure flies when you're diving dry!!


Yes ... we have both of those things in common ... and that Seattle coach friend of yours ... Izzy?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
After a brief conversation with a coach friend in Seattle that works with Kettlebells and Olympic weightlifting, I decided to cautiously up the weight on the KB Windmills. (He’s also the guy I got the idea of doing KB Windmills from).
Would that be coach Izzy? He used to post here when the fitness forum was still relatively new.
Got to experience Zumba tonight. Wow! It kicked my butt! What a challenge, and this white girl can't dance! LOL Just as I got the move figured out.. all nice and slow, the trainer would double time it!!!
I get his newsletters still. Some good stuff, but hard to read if you've fallen off the fitness wagon...:whistling:
Good morning everyone. Today was my first day back in the saddle of exercise. Cycling class for 55 minutes + 5 cool down and stretch. It kicked my butt - oddly enough. I was really sweating (much moreso than normal) and was having a hard time getting my heart rate to recover after sprints and such. I am hoping that it is an after-effect of having taken so much cold medicines, but time will tell. T minus 10 days and counting until the tri.
Just realized that as of a few days ago, I've been a member here on Scubaboard for 8 years!

Man... time sure flies when you're diving dry!!


8 years? Thanks for making a positive contribution :)!

2/17 Took a day off swimming for muscles to recover.

Hit the gym for a light work out. Don't want soar muscles on Friday. Still felt great to pump iron, even if it was at about 70% of my normal intensity/weight.

20 warm up on elipitical
Leg press 4 sets 10-12 reps
Dumb bell lunges 4 sets 10-12 reps
Straight leg dead lifts 4 sets 10 reps
Leg extention 4 sets 10 reps
Hamstring curls 4 sets 10 reps

Fundies starts tomorrow, I'm very excited!

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