2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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You guys are animals! Think I'll stick with my "easy" hour on the treadmill doing a walk/jog combination 5-6x per week. :wink:

One great result is that my cholestrol is now normal, my blood pressure is 110/60, and my resting heart rate is now 64. Big changes from just one short year ago when I changed my diet and just 6 months ago when I added exercise. I still have 20 pounds I want to lose (I've been plateau'ed on purpose for the past 2 months), but I know it'll come off as easily as the first 35 did now that I'm tweaking things to start losing again.

Keep up the good work everyone!!
I got on the wii fit + for an hour last night. Some of the games are fun and did get the heart pumping. Good stuff.
I fell off the wagon and have been quite the slug since last Thursday's workout. Not only that, I've indulged in a few Canadian brewskis and a pint of high fat ice cream, and consumed pizza during a business meeting, things that normally aren't on my list. To jolt my body back into reality, I pulled up a workout I'd done before to see if I'd made any progress since I last did it.

500m Row
10 Air Squats
5 Squat Thrusters 45# (Front Squats plus Push Presses)
10 Ring Rows

A CrossFit met-con called "Jackie" for time.

1000m Row
30 Pullups (Green Band)
50 Thrusters #45
Time: 11:10 (1:14 faster than last time)

This workout looks simple on paper, but so totally kicked my ass. I had to break the thrusters up into groups of 10 to get through them. Even a couple of hours later still a tad shaky. Serves me right for falling off the wagon and self-indulging for the past few days.
Don't be so hard on yourself. The work out is great, but falling off the wagon only requires you to dust yourself off and get back on. :wink:

(I've self indulged this past weekend and am sitting here with a bowl of ice cream.. this late at night. ughhh)
Whether you agree with the assertions or not, I thought it was interesting:

  1. Gymnasts learn new sports faster than other athletes.
  2. Olympic lifters can apply more useful power to more activities than other athletes.
  3. Powerlifters are stronger than other athletes.
  4. Sprinters can match the cardiovascular performance of endurance athletes even at extended efforts.
  5. Endurance athletes are woefully lacking in total physical capacity.
  6. With high carb diets you either get fat or weak.
  7. Bodybuilders can't punch, jump, run, or throw like athletes can.
  8. Segmenting training efforts delivers a segmented capacity.
  9. Optimizing physical capacity requires training at unsustainable intensities.
  10. The world's most successful athletes and coaches rely on exercise science the way deer hunters rely on the accordion. [wb416... FYI... deer hunters don't use accordions... lol]
Thoughts or comments?
Gotta agree with #1. Back when I was a ski instructor I had a class of 8-11 year olds ... three girls and four boys. The girls were all friends who had been doing gymastics together. Never had such easy ski students. All I had to do was show 'em something once and sit back and watch them do it almost perfectly every time.

The boys pushed themselves all the harder because ... by golly ... they were determined not to let the girls out ski them ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Gotta agree with #1. Back when I was a ski instructor I had a class of 8-11 year olds ... three girls and four boys. The girls were all friends who had been doing gymastics together. Never had such easy ski students. All I had to do was show 'em something once and sit back and watch them do it almost perfectly every time.

The boys pushed themselves all the harder because ... by golly ... they were determined not to let the girls out ski them ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

LOL.... must be the gymnastics keen awareness of body control and position "in space". Makes you wonder if some football players couldn't benefit from some basic gymnasts.
#6. Yep. And for me it's both :(
Really big swell this weekend but managed to dive both Sun/Mon.

Monday: Long surface/underwater kick in dubs which deffinately counts as exercise :).
1 hour on/off swimming laps in the pool

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