2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Sounds like the God diet.. Eat what God made, the way He made it. Potatoes are Ok. French fries, NO. IOW, no processed foods. And the white powders are the worst. Take your pick, sugar or flour.:eyebrow:

With the diets we do, it was tough to give up the potatoes, rice, and pastas.... too easily converted to sugars.... and then no bananas either... too high of sugar content.

I was a moody SOB when I first got off all that "crack"... (okay, I know the peanut gallery is saying, "...and that's different, how?")
Just got back from the gym; it's a bigger tin shack than I originally thought. :wink:
Most kinds of resistance machines are there plus a couple of cross trainers and exercise bikes.
There is also a huge range of free weights.

Here is today's routine:
2 mile cycle ride to gym
15 min on reclined bike
1 set (3x15 reps) rear lat pull downs, 1 set front lat pulldowns then another set of rear.
3 sets on the Pec Deck
15 mins on cross trainer
2 sets of rear lat pull downs
2 mile ride home.

I know that seems fairly unbalanced but it has been so long since I was in a gym I was a bit lost.

Basically, I can do most exercises as the stuff is there, I just have no idea how to put together a routine.

I have planned my week out like this:
Mon: Gym
Tues: 5 mile cycle round trip and 3 mile brisk walk in country park
Wed: 10 mile cycle to pool, 40 mins or so laps (sunbathing makes this a double nice day!)
Thurs: 5 mile cycle and 3 mile brisk walk in country park
Fri: Gym
Sat: Cross Country Hike (anything up to 5 miles)
Sun: day off and Church

Does that look OK? I am doing it with Hubby and he is a great exercise partner.

Going for a lay down in the shade, it's bloody hot here!

Rach xx
I am not sure that I would be able to give up starches like potatoes, rice, sugars. Just not in me right now.

Tuesday 2/9 - Cycling class. I was happy that, when the instructor divided the class, I was put into the category that could do standing climbs for 4 minutes straight (or more advanced ability). Made me feel really good. We have 2 new students this morning and, unfortunately, one of them appears to have overexerted herself to the point of needing to ball up on the ground after class, but before stretching. A little scary.
Welcome back Rach!
Nice going Sarita!

Hermit Crab and I went to the park after work. She walked a couple rounds, this being good for her as she was pretty stiff yesterday. I did 5 sets of walk, run, run. Started out a bit fast and had to slow it down. Don't like doing that, I like finishing strong. Then went home and tried the wii fit plus. It's ok. Was hoping the training was more streamlined than the wii fit. Oh well.
42 second row with 30 sec rest, 6 intervals, 1000 meters

Kettlebell windmills 10#, 3 per side

35# Muscle Snatch (no hip pop) x 4

Looking for a little bit of explosive/power work and to test my shoulder comfort.

Hang Power Snatch
35# x 4
45# x 4 x 2
55# x 3 x 2
65# x 3
85 x 1
105 x 1 (PR)

I haven’t done snatches in almost a month, so this was a good test for my shoulder (the KB Windmills really seem to be doing a good job on my shoulder flexibility/comfort for the final snap at the top of the snatch). I wasn’t really intending to attempt a PR, but the lower weights were going up much easier than I’d expected. The gain wasn’t strength related, but better technique and feeling more confident with how shoulder is reacting.
Just got back from the gym; it's a bigger tin shack than I originally thought. :wink:
Most kinds of resistance machines are there plus a couple of cross trainers and exercise bikes.
There is also a huge range of free weights.


Does that look OK? I am doing it with Hubby and he is a great exercise partner.

Going for a lay down in the shade, it's bloody hot here!

Rach xx

Personally, I think whatever keeps you interested and active is good for you. I like variety, and it keeps me from getting bored. It looks like you have a lot of variety available to you as well, so keep it up!
and then no bananas either....")

Bananas have higher sugar content than other fruits?

If I do starches I will sometimes do yams which are perhaps one of the best choices. Plain yogart rather than sour cream or butter. But mostly I stick to grilled fish/chicken, fresh veggies & fruits. Deffiantely limit complex carbs, grease and sweets. Nothing has to be perfect though.

2/7 Hit the water for a rocky dive in swell. Surface was quite exciting as were conditions down below. Stuck with one dive and had no desire to slip back in the water for a second:)

2/8 Always exhausted after driving 4 hours for a day of diving so took Monday out.
Found out my upcomming scuba class requires more for the swimming test &
stressed out.

2/9 Two pool sessions with the swim coach. Probably 2.5 hours total. It wasn't
entirely pretty but at the end of the day I did hit the new swim requirement with
1.5 minutes to spare :). A deffinate win! Now 9 days left to learn to do it with more grace & into the shorter pool to see how having
to do more/shorter laps affects time/effort.

Not a huge amount of focus or energy, but went throught the motions anyway. Muscles feel a bit worked so it must have been better than I thought.

3 exercises 12-10 reps, 4 sets

2 exercises 12/10 reps, 4 sets

3 sets crunches
Congrats WB on the PR!!!!
I echo Jenny's congrats WB!

Wednesday 2/10 - Not sure if it is the week (entirely too busy) or if I am coming down with a cold. Woke up feeling 'blah'. Managed to get in a 30 minute jog with my best friend around the neighborhood. Only did 2.4 miles though. Drove too and from b/c we were meeting at 6:00 and I don't fancy walking .7 mile in the dark alone to and from the place we meet. I feel moderately better after jogging, so here's hoping that it was just my body trying to psych me out of doing exercise this morning. So, onwards and upwards.
Sounds like you have a good conditioning-base going for you.... I just started working on mine about a year ago... that and being about 10 years older DOES make recovery a bit more of an issue for the 40+ crowd. You could be a nice exception though... I expect as long as you don't injure yourself you're going to carry a good level of fitness into your 40's... Unfortunately I can't turn the clock back, can only sensibly start from where I am and move forward.

Yes and no really. I was an athlete in school then played GI Joe jumping out of planes and the associated running/rucking until we nearly died, but after I got out of the Army my fitness dropped a good bit mostly due to just being tired of it. A few years later, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. Quit smoking, started working out again, etc. I missed the fun and competition of sport, thus CrossFit suits me well because it's always a battle between a great group of people to win the WOD on any given day -- be it highest weight lifted, fastest time, most reps, whatever.

Rest and recovery is something I have to take seriously because all the fun I had and things I did early in life are always there making my joints hurt. I've also had a few fairly serious injuries over the years that cause me some grief here and there. I can say for sure that you're right about one thing - it gets harder every year! I have no false sense that I will be immune from aging and the associated issues.

I'm doing a CrossFit Movement & Mobility Cert in a few months, which I think will be great!


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