2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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I'm doing a CrossFit Movement & Mobility Cert in a few months, which I think will be great!


I'll have to check that one out to see what it's about.

I have an annual membership to the CrossFit journal that I just renewed a few days ago. It's enjoyable to read the articles and watch the videos.

One of the things that attracted me to CrossFit was how it was being scaled to the 50, 60, and 70 year old crowds. Figured it they could manage some form of it, then there was no reason I couldn't implement some of the CF philosophy into what I'm doing.
500m Row
Hang Power Cleans, 5 reps (weight check)
Thrusters*, 5 reps (weight check)

Three rounds for time:
Row 250 meters
75# Hang Power clean, 9 reps
55# Thruster*, 6 reps​
Time: 8:34

*Thruster is a combination Front Squat with a Push Press

Kept the weight light to keep the workout as anaerobic as possible. Maybe next time I'll try the Thrusters with the same weight as the Power Cleans, although I have a few barbells, so it's not that big a deal.
Never made it to the park to run, so I set up a 58 minute routine on the wii fit +. Got my heart a going and was nice an varied. Good workout.
BIggest challenge is the one foot exercises. I have a very hard time standing on either foot, but the left is slightly, every so slightly better. I don't know if it is weak ankles or just bad balance that neeeds some serious refinement.
This weekend will be some kayaking and fossiling. Will be standing in the cold river looking for meg bling. Sourcing from the meg gods a 2.5" "very good condition" meg that will look fine around my neck. Surely hanging out in the river shoveling the bottom into a screen and searching for that elusive meg for 6 hours will burn some calories.
Get better soon, Sarita. Warm ginger tea with a shot of rum and honey will make you feel oh, so much better... and make you all comfy and sleepy!
2/10 Had fun at the rock climbing gym for 1.5 hours - Hard to remember this is exercise but the muscles are getting a great workout!

2/11 took the day off

2/12 Hit the pool for laps today for a bout 45 minutes on/off of laps, then back to the rock climbing gym for another hour of rock climbing.
Feeling mildly better today. Ended up doing a brick workout with the best friend. 12.03 miles on the bike, followed by a 30 minute jog - although by the time we were jogging, I was feeling pretty wrecked, so it was a tough time for me. Ended up jogging about 2.2 miles only.
Geesh Sarita! You are a glutton for punishment!

Ended up no kayaking. The river was too high for safe fossiling, so no fossiling n the river either. But Hermit Crab and I did get out fossiling on dry land. The elusive meg bling is still hiding, and maybe next time I will find it.
Finished my third week at the gym today ... best week yet. Spent almost 9 hours on workouts.

Monday, 02/08 - upper body day ... three sets each incline press, chest press, shoulder press, tricep extension and abdominal crunches. Pushed the weights up on each from the previous week. Sets varied from 12 reps to 20 reps depending on exercise. Followed it up with 30 minutes on the elliptical.

Tuesday, 02/09 - light day ... 3 sets each abdominal crunches and shoulder press, followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes swimming. Had to quit early on the swimming as my left rotator cuff was complaining. Topped it off with 10 minutes in the hot tub.

Wednesday, 02/10 - torso day ... 3 sets each high row, fixed pulldown, bicep curl and abdominal ... all sets between 15 and 20 reps per set. Followed up with 30 minutes on the upright bike.

Thursday, 02/11 - light day ... 3 sets abdominal, 30 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes swimming

Friday, 02/12 - leg day ... 3 sets each, vertical squat, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises, and yes ... abdominal crunches. Followed up with 35 minutes on the elliptical.

Saturday, 02/13 - pec and deltoid day ... 3 sets each shoulder press, lateral raise, triceps extension, deltoid fly, pectoral fly ... and 60 more abdominal crunches. Followed up with 32 minutes on the upright bike.

Did a total of 360 abdominal crunches this week, using between 85 and 100 lbs on the bar. I can feel the tummy getting smaller and stronger. More importantly, though, I want to be able to protect my back ... I'm tired of kinking it while tossing doubles into the back of my car.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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