2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Thanks for the concern on the shoulder.... nothing debilitating yet, but felt similar things on the right side as when I was overusing it in the overhead position (or the strain/force at the bottom of rapid pullups) like last Spring. ***

Last year at this time I could barely see my toes. Now with my feet together I can slowly stretch down and touch the floor without bending my knees. Heck, I know it don't sound like much, but at my age I'll take the small victories and motivation where ever I can find them... LOL

Re: Shoulder - please be careful. Between your bike fall and now this - you sometimes concern me. :) I struggle myself with not pushing myself too hard, so really I am in no position to say anything, but know I am sending healing thoughts your way (yup, I am a Californian now :) )....

Awesome news about your flexibility and being able to see your toes! That's awesome news!! Congrats!!!
Re: Shoulder - please be careful. Between your bike fall and now this - you sometimes concern me. :) I struggle myself with not pushing myself too hard, so really I am in no position to say anything, but know I am sending healing thoughts your way (yup, I am a Californian now :) )....

Awesome news about your flexibility and being able to see your toes! That's awesome news!! Congrats!!!

Concerns and healing thoughts noted! (I was born in California) :)

I have backed off quite a bit on the intensity of things. I see people quite a few people younger than me overdoing CrossFit and getting overuse injuries... a little bit goes a long way (on the otherhand I see plenty of people doing "Long Slow Distance" that are developing overuse injuries too... so now I'm more in tune when something "isn't quite right", so as not to push through issues. I'm trying to take a mindset to prehab/rehab anything before it becomes a show stopper. I'm competitive and want to get better/faster/stronger, but would rather not get "laid up" and miss "game time" either!

Are we having fun yet? :D
I'm really not so sure you can over-train, but you certainly can under-recover. Poor recovery habits, along with a poor diet and not enough water intake = pain.

I'm 36 yrs old, and train six days a week. A typical workout will start with a warmup routine, a 400m run, a bit of skill work and/or strength work, then a high intensity WOD (workout of the day), 100 air squats (every day), some extra endurance work or yoga, followed by stretching and trigger point / foam rolling. I post them (and for the next month my daily food intake) on my blog.

FWIW, I have been eating a paleo diet since early Jan.

If you ever get stumped and can't think of a WOD to do, check this site out - WOD Shop
Concerns and healing thoughts noted! (I was born in California) :)
Are we having fun yet? :D

Where in CA? And yes, tons of fun - feeling fitter all the time.

FWIW, I have been eating a paleo diet since early Jan.
What's the paleo diet?
Love it - I have got slightly lardy over the past year - keep on meaning to do something about it - maybe this will give my big bottom the kick it needs.......

Had fruit salad for breakfast and am just about to go for a swim....
FWIW, I have been eating a paleo diet since early Jan.

If you ever get stumped and can't think of a WOD to do, check this site out - WOD Shop

I've been Paleo Zone for the past 10 months... with Fish Oil for anti-inflammatory properties. Both combinations seem to work well for me... just have to watch a potential shoulder impingement issue. To your point, I could do a better job of proper hydration and more sleep for better recovery.

Thanks for sharing the WOD Shop... that is COOL!!

Sounds like you have a good conditioning-base going for you.... I just started working on mine about a year ago... that and being about 10 years older DOES make recovery a bit more of an issue for the 40+ crowd. You could be a nice exception though... I expect as long as you don't injure yourself you're going to carry a good level of fitness into your 40's... Unfortunately I can't turn the clock back, can only sensibly start from where I am and move forward.
Where in CA? And yes, tons of fun - feeling fitter all the time.
San Pedro... Father was in the Navy in Long Beach... mother was from Santa Barbara and lived in Fresno.

What's the paleo diet?

Meat and Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar...... Mostly food that our Neanderthal cousin "Grok" could have harvested or killed himself, hence the name "Paleo" or from things those living in the Paleolithic Era would have bought at the supermarket... lol... speaking in the broadest of terms, it tends to be food you buy in the store that wouldn't require a label to explain what is in it, nor is it over processed....

Penny and I are pathetic... our favorite and perhaps most common meal is chicken in some form or another, with black beans or broccoli and a variety of nuts (we rotate what we eat... almonds, cashews, sunflower, peanuts, pistachio, macadamia)... unfortunately, I'm less strict about the QUANTITIES that I eat, although I keep the food to general "Zone" proportions.
Sorry, I haven't checked in for a while.
I have been hiking and biking as usual.

I have now found a gym here that is used by locals (Thai people) and is in a tin shack with no aircon. It costs $3 to use it for as long as I want.

Temp today is pushing 90 degrees.
It is not too far away, a couple of miles on the bicycle.
I have figured that doing a workout in that heat also will count as a sauna, so that has to be good. :D

Hoping a local will take pity on an overweight, old-enough-to-know-better, confused Brit and help me out.
There are a couple of cross trainers and a load of free weights so I am going to have to get creative I suppose.
Any help from you lot would be much appreciated. (i.e. help me work out a routine?)
Legs and bum get worked on a lot with my cross country stuff so I want to strengthen my back and upper body.

I'll make a proper inventory of what the gym has and report back asap.

Rach xx

PS Don't tell anyone but on my Hash (hike) last Saturday I actually ran part way (never have felt fit enough to do this before) I was the first woman back at the finish! :banana:
Meat and Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, some fruit, little starch, no sugar...... Mostly food that our Neanderthal cousin "Grok" could have harvested or killed himself, hence the name "Paleo" or from things those living in the Paleolithic Era would have bought at the supermarket... lol... speaking in the broadest of terms, it tends to be food you buy in the store that wouldn't require a label to explain what is in it, nor is it over processed....

Penny and I are pathetic... our favorite and perhaps most common meal is chicken in some form or another, with black beans or broccoli and a variety of nuts (we rotate what we eat... almonds, cashews, sunflower, peanuts, pistachio, macadamia)... unfortunately, I'm less strict about the QUANTITIES that I eat, although I keep the food to general "Zone" proportions.

Sounds like the God diet.. Eat what God made, the way He made it. Potatoes are Ok. French fries, NO. IOW, no processed foods. And the white powders are the worst. Take your pick, sugar or flour.:eyebrow:

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