2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Great workouts!! I didn't get to the doggie park last night. But did sleep 9+ hrs. Wow!! Going to the park tonight though for some walking and stretching. May get on the wii depending on how I feel. Have a 5k on Sunday I am running (ok..walking) with Hermit Crab.

She wants to do the Princess 1/2 next year. Actually, she wants to do the 5K, and me do the 1/2, but I told her if I am spending that kind of $$ to go to Disney for the weekend, she's gonna do the 1/2! She is now trying to talk her friends into it.. anybody game?
(this years race) Disney's Princess Half Marathon Weekend | Endurance | Amateur Sports | Disney's Wide World of Sports
I haven't been doing enough Met-cons to build my "mixed exercise" stamina, so I threw together a triplet that looked like it would work different body areas, both via strength and/or cardio.

5 Minute Row: 830 meters
10 Ring Rows
10 Chinups, Black Band
5 Deadlifts 65#
5 Deadlifts 135#
5 Deadlifts 185#

(12, 6, 3 rep sequence for this workout triplet)
12 Chinups (unassisted)
12 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
12 Deadlifts 185# (approx 50% of my 1RM)
6 Pullups (unassisted)
6 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
6 Deadlifts 185#
3 Chinups (blue band)
3 Mountain Climbers (4 count)
3 Deadlifts 185#
Time: 9:17

I felt very inadequate for the task. Thinking the Mountain Climbers would be a good "fill" to get the heart rate up, it was actually the Pullups and Deadlifts that really taxed my ability to get enough oxygen. My strength faded quickly on the chinups/pullup combinations, but other than that, ability to breath was the primary limiting factor to a faster finish. It was tough to see it through to completion... pathetic really.

My chronic right shoulder issue started rearing itself on the kipping chinup/pullups, so I went to a blue band on the last 3 reps to reduce the strain at the bottom of the rep.
Its been a good week - lets see if I can keep it up!

2/1 30 minutes eliptical

2/2 1 hour on/off laps in the pool

2/3 30 minute eliptical warm up

Legs till it's hard to walk :)

Leg pressess 4 sets 10-15 reps
dumb bell lunges 4 sets 10-15 reps
Straight leg dead lifts 4 sets 10-15 reps
leg extentions 4 sets 10-15 reps
hamstring curls 4 sets 10-12 reps

All to about 80% of max.

2/4 - 2 dives, doubles, beach steps, surface kick, drills - swell was down and it felt much easier ;-)

Fundies in 14 days and counting :D!
That would be me.. and relief that it is finally over and I can take off those shoes and my poor little feet can rest.
I am so impressed Jenny! Those photos are going to serve as a great motivation for my 5k tomorrow. I know, nothing CLOSE to what you did, but still ... :) I might have to come to FL next year and do the 1/2. Looks like fun, and since my grandmother lives in Ft. Lauderdale, just a short hop down!

Saturday 2/6 - First Swim-Bike Brick today and we did it in open water. Swam about 1/2 mile in the freezing cold waters of SF here: http://www.boatingsf.com/photos/062704/IMG_4813_edited.jpg . Took about 30 minutes as I was waiting between buoys for my best friend. We then transitioned (albeit slowly) into biking for 30 minutes (as she had to get somewhere for wedding stuff). I am pretty tired as the water is really cold (about 52-54 degrees right now) and I was wearing my rental tri wetsuit which is between 2-3mm, no booties, gloves or hood. Just a swim cap. Brrr.

The great news in my life, however, is that with much reluctance I went last night to rent my tri wetsuit, fulling expecting to be one size, and - at that size - needing to squeeze into it. When I tried "that size" on, it slipped on too loose! I was ecstatic! So, I had to get a size smaller. :) And, today, I had to go shopping for pants because the ones I have been wearing for 2-4 years are all too big. I love this feeling!

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