2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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It is mine. I own it. I have a finishers medal!!!!!!
Quick recap (I'm really stinky still and want to soak in the tub with Epsom salts)
Took about 20 minutes to reach the start. By the time I got to the start, the elite runners are already on the beach and 1/4 done with their marathon.
Mile 3-pulled over to wrap a couple toes with a Bandaid. The mole skin fell off.
Mile 8-I realized if I focus on the blisters I will never finish.
Mile 10-I started chewing on my second, and last piece of energy gum. I have taken advantage of every water stand for either water, Gatorade or both, but am still so thirsty. I don't want to drink too much, for fear of cramps. Now my stomach is growling and I feel like I am hitting a wall. I need to dig deep to get that energy. Still trying to maintain the walk/run, but am doing more walking than running. Running doesn't hurt the blisters as bad, but takes more energy.
Mile 12-Only one more long, hot, friggin mile. I found the proverbial wall. We have come back to the city, after taking a tour of Miami Beach. The buildings are tall and there is no breeze. Thank God it's cloudy. My .mp3 player has graced me with Micheal W. Smith, Eminimen, instrumentals, Nickleback, Aerosmith and a host of others. I find if I sing while running, people move out of my way! LOL. I learned.. friends are nice to have the first 5 miles, but it's the last 5 that count!
Finish Line-Whoo HOO!!!! I made it! It's mine! I own this 1/2! It tried to take everything and more, but I won. My goal has been reached.

I have so many blisters on my feet. I found a patch of ice cubes somebody dumped and stood in them for a while. It felt good.

Now-Just had some homemade sloppy joes, next a warm bath with Epsom salts and a nap.
Yahoo!! Congratulations on your finishing! What an amazing accomplishment! Just think of how "easy" the next one will be. :wink:

You're definitely an inspiration. :D
LOL. I did this same race last year. I don't think it was any easier this year! LOL
Super congrats Jenny! I am so proud of you - despite not knowing you! Your brief recount of the race was very touching and I am so happy that YOU DID IT! YEAH!!! Many, many congrats to you!
Thanks Sarita and Bob.
I took a nap and got up in time to take the dogs to the park. They ran around and played. I hobbled along. Once I get moving, it's not so bad, but my knees do hurt.
I tried to set my watch to see how many steps I took, but it only goes to 9999. I know it rotated quite a few times. Calories spent is 2239.5! I can have ice cream. Sweet joy. Total time, as long as the pedometer was going (it stopped when I was standing still for a few minutes before the start) was 3:36:08. Take away the 16-20 minutes to get to the start.. and I am close to last years pace. Bummer. Reached goal #1-finish, may have missed on goal #2- beat last years time. In my defense, the longest I have ran since I started back up in Sept/October is a run/walk of about 2 miles in the grass at the dog park.
18,000 runners this year. And for the first year, more women than men. 3500 for the full marathon.
Did not feel like working out.... everything was screaming "Don't do it!".... so I stumbled down to the rower anyway and forced myself anyway.

Aggressive warmup:
(Normally my pace is 3:00, 2:45, 2:30, 2:20)

250m, 2:47/500m pace
250m, 2:20/500m pace
250m, 2:06/500m pace
250m, 1:47/500m pace


1/2 Tabata Interval (4 intervals) of Rowing Sprints
20 seconds, 100m, 1:40/500m
20 seconds, 106m, 1:34/500m
20 seconds, 106m, 1:34/500m
20 seconds, 104m, 1:36/500m

Pretty intense headache when I finished, but was happy with how quickly after finishing that my breathing rate recovered.
Congrats Jenny!! :D

1/30 & 1/31 Lots of diving in these gynormous tanks. Man it must count as squats to walk up/down the stairs to the beach. Today we must have parked a 10 minute walk from the water - at least it felt that way ;-).

2 dives on 1/30
2 today (one was only 45 ft deep but 90+ minutes long :wink:

18 days till Fundies starts - just moved back home, new semester started. Time to get busy in the pool & gym.

Will I be ready in these tanks? I'll give it a go :D:D!!
Happy Monday 2/1 Everyone! Woke up very slowly this morning and donned my kit to go the pool. I am happy that I made it, but each lap felt like a struggle. Some days it is so effortless, other days - like today - it is not. Alas. I finished 1.0 mile in just over 45 minutes. Approximately 280 calories, ARH 114.

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