2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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I :heart: EA Sports Active and it would be fun to workout with someone else.

I skipped Cycling class today. I was just too tired. The hubby is sick and I think I have a touch of it too, so I decided rest was wise especially with 4 hearings in the next 24 hours. Joy.
A lot of good variety with that! What do you do at the gym... a body builder routine? power lifting? Olympic weightlifting?

Motivation is key! ...and slow is good... your body will adapt to it without complaining or sidelining you!

Snow shoveling can be a real b!#$h!! Tough to keep good back posture and lumbar support the entire time.

Are you able to get a distance off of your rowing machine? Might be nice to log how far you went in 30 minutes..... you'll be able to see trending if you're gaining distance with relatively the same perceived effort.

Everyone is helping me to stay motivated as I go into the second year of my "Quest for Fitness"! Thanks!

I am still at it!
Missed 4 days (on travel) since the beginning of the year.
Rowing 30 minutes/day, average beat of 24 strokes/minute.
I will be incorporating the exercycle this week also.
I do it in the morning while watching the news and can feel the beats increase with certain stories...
47 min. walking, 6609 steps.
Front Squats 5 x 3, 50kg/110lb, 60kg/132lb, 70kg/154lb

Power Cleans from above the knee 3 x 5 (gradually increasing weight to 60kg/132lbs) From an elevated box

Power Cleans from Below the knee 2 x 5 (gradually increasing weight to 65kg/143lbs) From an elevated box

Started off with a bad headache that dissipated about mid way, then finished off with very sore lower back from the pounding of the heavier cleans. I need to learn to land softer and absorbing the impact better.
Went diving today, swell was down, doubles felt lighter, vis was decent. It was good fun. Also sprinted a few blocks just for a little pump ;-).

One foot in the vacation pad, one at home. Last week in Monterey and soon nightly access to the gym. It's been a great vacation despite winter storms but I'm really looking forward to my gym!
Broke up a 2000m row into ten 42 second intervals. Rowed each interval at a 2:00/500m pace (but mostly faster). This simulates rowing an 8 minute 2K. My current PR for a 2K is 8:32, so this gets me used to a faster 8:00 pace, but with some rest breaks.

For those doing the math, my ten intervals didn’t add up to 2000m (needed 200m per interval, but I was getting around 180m per interval), so I rowed an 11th interval at a 1:42/500 pace to simulate a 7 minute 2K row. This last interval gave me over 2K of rowing for my workout, and also gave me a last gut-wrenching interval after 10 relatively hard intervals.

Saw this workout suggested in a CrossFit article, and I like how it stresses a different domain (pacing) vs most traditional workouts that focus on strictly distance or time. The idea is to maintain the pace you are looking for as long as you can (in this case 10 intervals). Since my body held up to that well, I can either shorten the rest period (30 seconds to 25 seconds) or stay with the same rest and choose a faster pace (2:00 to 1:50).

Rather than reprogramming the rest periods, I have the most control over the pace, so I might quicken the pace instead. Once I can strongly sustain faster paces, I’ll just re-row a 2K and see if my PR for a continuous distance is improving.

It seems over the past year that I’ve reached the extent of any easy strength gains (Deadlifts, Squats, Presses) from muscle recruitment, so the next bogeys I want are to improve my cardio endurance (via things like the rowing, cycling, and CrossFit met-cons), and explosive power (Olympic lifts: Clean & Jerk, Snatch). There are several other domains I could focus on too, some of these will be met by previously mentioned workouts.

If your goal is optimum physical competence then all the general physical skills must be considered:

  1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance – The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.
  2. Stamina – The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
  3. Strength – The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.
  4. Flexibility – the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
  5. Power – The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
  6. Speed – The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
  7. Coordination – The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
  8. Agility – The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
  9. Balance – The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.
  10. Accuracy – The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.
*(Ed. – Thanks to Jim Crawley and Bruce Evans of Dynamax, www.medicineballs.com\)
Countdown to tomorrow morning. By the time most of ya'll are getting your coffee and reading SB, I anticipate crossing the finish line.
Got the race packet yesterday which included my race number and T shirt. Also bought some cool looking ear bud enhancers for the .mp3 player. Custom Fit Earbud Enhancers: Get Fitted | yurbuds? earbud enhancers and a new pair of cushy socks. Going to bed early, then off to Miami by 3:30 AM for the 6:15 A.M Start. It took me 11 minutes just to get to the start line.. that's how far back I'm seeded..
Hi everyone. Sorry I have been quiet. I took Thursday off to rest my legs. Friday evening I swam laps - 1.0 miles. Today was my first brick: 60 minutes of cycling followed by 30 minutes of running. Unfortunately I didn't get to have the full 60 minutes of cycling due to two flat tires on the bike. I fixed the first one but then didn't have another tube, so I had to walk the bike. Sad, so sad! Alas.
Countdown to tomorrow morning. By the time most of ya'll are getting your coffee and reading SB, I anticipate crossing the finish line.
Got the race packet yesterday which included my race number and T shirt. Also bought some cool looking ear bud enhancers for the .mp3 player. Custom Fit Earbud Enhancers: Get Fitted | yurbuds? earbud enhancers and a new pair of cushy socks. Going to bed early, then off to Miami by 3:30 AM for the 6:15 A.M Start. It took me 11 minutes just to get to the start line.. that's how far back I'm seeded..

How'd it go? I'm on my third cup of coffee and still haven't heard anything. :D

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