2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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I remember the early days of swimming and carrying doubles.... everything certainly gets stronger.... but you've got the surge to deal with too.... that's got to be a joy...If it was my exercise log, I'd certainly count it! :)

Yeah it is a joy-- especially in low vis :rofl3:! Apparantly there is a technique to maintaining trim/bouyancy underwater in big swell (it's called relaxing) - But I'm still looking for it, so for now diving these conditions is darn right gymnastic at times :shakehead: :)!

My first yoga class was tonight. Never have taken one before, so with an open mind I joined the stretching of body parts I didn't know are supposed to stretch. At one time we had to put our legs over our heads. Yeah right. I felt like a jelly doughnut! Hopefully won't be too sore.. 5 days to the 1/2...

Yoga is absolutely amazing both for the mind/body! I hope you stick with it Jenny :wink:! Be careful about over extending your wrist on inverted poses (like downward dog) Keep your weight on your finger tips - After years of yoga I injured my wrist by being lazy & putting too much weight on the wrist and the injury still keeps me out of the classes. At least now I can pump iron again!

Had a fantastic night. 1 hour swimming laps on/off in the pool (already getting stronger) & another 30 minutes on the elipitical - doing more cardio feels great - it's exactly what my body is craving!
Hour in pool.
5 mile bike ride.

Tomorrow: 5 mile hike at 6am
Thanks Kathy, good to know. I enjoyed the class, was a little tougher than I thought it would be, but goes to show how far I have to go.
Last night, the Olympic weightlifting coach was saying that one of his lifters about my age that lifts on the opposite night as me, has been doing yoga for about a year and while his flexibility has only improved a bit, his joints no longer pop and crackle and it takes him less time to warmup to his workout lifts. (note: not all flexibility gains he got from yoga are "usable" for Oly lifting, but might help him in other endeavors)

Tues Night


Front Squats 4 x 5 (mostly as a warmup) (gradually increasing weight to 145lbs... focus on upright back/chest position)

Power Cleans from above the knee 3 x 6 (gradually increasing weight to 100lbs)

Power Cleans from Below the knee 2 x 5 (same weight throughout using max from previous exercise)

Back Squats 4 x 5, weight incrementally up to 100kg (220lbs)

Coach is fussy about technique, so I have to constantly remind myself that performing the lifts in rapid succession for "intensity" isn't the goal, but rather drilling in correct motor patterns.
Wednesday 1/27/10 - Running with my best friend. 2.4 miles + .7 miles of walking beforehand. Tonight I am supposed to be bike riding as well. Fun times.
Good stuff.
My plan is to walk at the park for the 1/2 hr I usually run/walk. Pups will be tired.. I hope.
Tonight was a miscellaneous workout for all of us.

20 Kettlebell Swings 25#
10 Shoulder Press, Snatch Grip Behind the neck, 45#
10 Shoulder Press, Clean Grip, 45#
Row 500 meters, 1:50
20 Chinups with Black band
5 Kipping Chinups (no assistance)

Penny did warmup Rowing, then 1000m Row.
Back Extensions, Situps, 20 Pullups (black band), Pushups

Jess did Back Extension, situps, 500m Row 2:22, 15 minutes cycling with the bike on the trainer.

It was great to have Jess (Penny's daughter) join us for some cardio.
That's awesome that your daughter joins in for cardio. What a family!!

Wednesday 1/27 PM Session: Cycling around Golden Gate Park and its panhandle for 60 minutes of rolling but pretty mellow hills. Fun to zip around. 558 calories and an ARH of 132. 11.51 miles. Hopefully my legs won't be dying tomorrow.
That's awesome.

I am hoping Hermit Crab starts joining me more and more.
Hoping to get the EA Active soon and at Sam's Club they have a package where there is an extra thigh strap so two can work out together. Could be fun.

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