2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Ya'll are doing awesome and are keeping me inspired!
Yesterday was a recovery day for me. But I still managed to do some stretching and light exercise via spackling some of the bedroom. Today I am planning on getting the first coat of primer on, so more light exercise with up/down on the ladder.
Got a $25 gift card from Best Buy begging to be used. Thinking of getting the Wii Fit Plus. The reviews sound pretty good. The one thing I don't like about the Wii Fit is not being able to continue from one activity to the next without counting minutes and points. WFP allows you to set a schedule of activities. Sounds like a better workout for me. I'm amazed at how much I like the wii because I Hate video workouts. And forget going to a gym. Just not my style. However there is a place nearby my friend goes to that has yoga and stuff. I'm thinking of checking it out.
I'm with you Jenny, I can't seem to get myself motivated to get all my stuff together to go to a gym or workout studio. I'm also not big on the video workouts, but mostly because I don't have a lot of room to move around and its too easy to bump into things. Fortunately, I don't mind the treadmill we have, so I DVR a bunch of shows, set one to play, and go for an hour. Thus far its worked well for me.

This week I'm having blood work done to recheck Vit B12, cholesterol, and thyroid. Wish me luck!
I tried an elliptical for a while. Got it for free, so when I gave it away, no big deal. The thing was too wide for my knees. Couldn't get my legs closer to a more natural position. Would never noticed it in the showroom if I were to purchase it, so, glad it was a freebie. Bummer, heard a lot of good stuff about them. Wouldn't mind trying again with a different brand.
Programmed in a 2K Row and started off briefly as a warmup, but felt consistent, so I quickly stepped up the pace and noticed I wasn't too far off my PR in the first 1000 meters. Was able to hold that pace well, breathing comfortably, so in the last 1K I kept stepping up the power and pace.

2K Row
Time: 8:32 (PR)

Finished 18 seconds faster than my previous best 3 weeks ago. I have to admit, a few days ago Penny beat my PR by a few seconds, and she seems to have my number on the 2K and higher rowing distances, but this time I prevailed and retook the "Household" PR.... she still has the 5K PR though, and I've tried a couple of times to beat that to no avail.... but one of these days!!!!
Happy Monday all! Here's hoping for a good and healthy week for all of us!

Monday 1/25/10 - Lap Swimming at the Y. 1.0 miles in 45 minutes, thanks to my lane partner who chases behind me. I believe it is in unintentional - that he simply prefers to be behind me while we swim - but I use it for motivation and it works. Thanks Mister!
Awesome Bob and Sarita!
I have to admit that being subscribed to this thread for so long, and seeing the emails coming everyday and ready how ya both are killing it.. it was tough to open the emails. So glad you're still here and continue to inspire.
I did the wii fit last night. Keeping it easy this week in preperation for the 1/2 on Sunday. Just walking and stretching. Anyways, I did the 20 min. free step. Consistant pace. 1994 steps. Dang, wanted to hit 2000. Also the last 5 minutes, I really stretched my legs, so not only stepping, I was stretching and stepping. Felt great! After the 1/2 I will probably do 2 of these together for a better workout.
Keeping it easy this week in preperation for the 1/2 on Sunday. Just walking and stretching. Anyways, I did the 20 min. free step. Consistant pace. 1994 steps. Dang, wanted to hit 2000. Also the last 5 minutes, I really stretched my legs, so not only stepping, I was stretching and stepping. Felt great! After the 1/2 I will probably do 2 of these together for a better workout.

That's awesome. I love that step program on the wii fit. Especially since you can watch TV while doing it!

Trust me Jenny - I am so inspired by your 1/2 Marathon goal! Hope that you take some photos and share them with us!!
I'll post the © photos when I cross the finish line. Mind you, I am not, um, have a runners body! I have good German genes! LOL 10 lbs heavier than last year. The elite runners will have finished the full marathon and taken a shower by the time I hope to finish. LOL I will be seeded in the last group.

wii fit, step. I know it says you can watch TV...whadda do? switch the channel? I'm thinking of getting my mp3 player out. But then I'm not bored...yet...
I'll post the © photos when I cross the finish line. Mind you, I am not, um, have a runners body! I have good German genes! LOL 10 lbs heavier than last year. The elite runners will have finished the full marathon and taken a shower by the time I hope to finish. LOL I will be seeded in the last group.

You better post photos!! Just finishing is HUGE in my book, I think you ROCK!!! :bounce::bounce3::bounce2::bounce::bounce3:

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