2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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Nice. Would love to have a pool to do laps in.
Bib-29106 Jenny Wuenschel Hollywood FL Female 45 to 49 47 F
ChipTime 3:23:02
ClockTime 3:39:49
Overall 10604
SexPl 5326
DivPl 504
10K 1:34:03
Divtotal 562
Pace 15:23

Really slacked off at the end. Dang it. Missed last years by 4 min. shoot.

Min. Time01:05:57
Avg. Time 02:25:41
Max. Time 06:35:15
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:balloons::balloons: You did awesome Jenny. I am very proud of you - blisters and all! :balloons::balloons:
5 minute Row: 1016 meters

Light Skill Development/Stretching:
10 Situps on the GHD Machine with strong focus on slow back bend as far as I could go.
10 Back Extensions into Hamstring Pulls on the GHD machine with a slight pause at the top of the hamstring pull.

2 Rounds:
10 Chinups with Black band (strongest) and very slow with full range of motion and chest to bar
10 Front Squats #65, (1/2" pad under my heels) focus on correct hip/back position and upright chest

Kettlebell Windmills 10#, 3/side, slowly
250m Row
10 GHD Situps
10 GHD Back Extensions
10 Incline Pushups
10 Chinups (Black Band)
10 Air Squats
250m Row

Snatch Drop
35# x 3 x 2

Snatch Drop + 3 Overhead Squats
35# x 2 (e.g. 2 Snatch Drops and 6 OHS)
45# x 2
55# x 2

Snatch Drop + 1 Overhead Squat
65# x 2
(on the third attempt I wasn't focusing nor tight, so the weight started falling forward. Instead of dropping it, I caught it and "muscled" it down... resulted in mild shoulder strain... brain fart... I'm an idiot... stopped the barbell workout at that point)

500m Row 1:51
Going to the doggie park tonight. Pups will run. I am walking. Nothing streneous, but intend to be stretching and loosening up the joints n muscles. Feeling much better. Recovery seems to be going good.
Tabata Intervals using the bike on the trainer.

Cycling 6 minutes, 1.3 miles

Cycling 20 sec max effort, 10 sec rest
Repeat for 4 minutes (8 intervals)
Total: 1.7 miles, 35mph max, 25mph average

Nothing like the smell of burning rubber and toasted quads in the evening!!! (maybe I should have added air to the bike tires!!)
Oh my WB!! Glad you are okay!

Wednesday 2/3 - Running 33 minutes, 15 minute warm up and 10 minute cool down walk. Cycling tomorrow!

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