2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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... Still sick. Tri is coming up and I am getting worried as I have done no training since Saturday.

Sarita hope you feel better! Just trust in yourself & all will be good :)! Can't wait to hear your stories!

Fundies is coming up in a few days, the swell has kept me from some of the pre-class practice I wanted to do. It's been weeks since our team has been in the water together.

I Just keep thinking of all the stuff I haven't done. But I don't think I'll ever be entirely ready.

Think it's better to think of all I have done, embrace the strengths and step forward!
Sarita hope you feel better! Just trust in yourself & all will be good :)! Can't wait to hear your stories!

Fundies is coming up in a few days, the swell has kept me from some of the pre-class practice I wanted to do. It's been weeks since our team has been in the water together.

I Just keep thinking of all the stuff I haven't done. But I don't think I'll ever be entirely ready.

Think it's better to think of all I have done, embrace the strengths and step forward!

I've seen you dive ... you'll do fine with Fundies. Probably end up with a short list of things you need to work on ... but that's typical. Besides, you've got a fine mentor ... couldn't find one better.

I'd wish you luck with the class, but you won't need it ... just relax and have fun with it ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Kettlebell Windmills 10 x 3/side, 25 x 3/side

Bob's Workout:
Hang Power Snatch (Previous PR 105#)
35 x 5
45 x 3
65 x 2
75 x 2
85 x 2
95 x 2
115 x 2 PR
125 x 2 (failed: Pressed out on both)
125 x 1 PR!!!!

Crushed my PR from 7 days ago by 20#.... that friggin' RAWKED!!!

Penny's Workout:
Penny has been dealing with some neck and hand problems, so she stayed away from the barbell and focused on 1000m rowing intervals for intensity.

1000m row x 5 with 1 minute rest intervals.

Great job!!
Yoga class tonight. Again felt like a jelly donut.
Then 30 min on the wii fit plus which included 20 min on free step. The pace was 1600 steps in 20 min., and I did 2350.
I've seen you dive ... you'll do fine with Fundies. Probably end up with a short list of things you need to work on ... but that's typical. Besides, you've got a fine mentor ... couldn't find one better.

I'd wish you luck with the class, but you won't need it ... just relax and have fun with it ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)


It's great to see you here! Thank for the support :)! I'm really excited about class and will do my best to relax and have fun!

3 instructors (well 2 are almost fundies instructors, and Beto), and only 3 students. By our estimation we will be very well cooked by the end of next weekend :)!

Keep up the good work with exercise!
Whoo hooo! Congrats Aguaregia!
As I continue to work on and strengthen my shoulders from the damage and shoulder instability that years of mindless pushups, bench press, and pec dec workouts caused, I think I’m falling in love with the Kettlebell Windmill.

After a brief conversation with a coach friend in Seattle that works with Kettlebells and Olympic weightlifting, I decided to cautiously up the weight on the KB Windmills. (He’s also the guy I got the idea of doing KB Windmills from).

When I use the exercise as a warmup to other workouts, I’ve kept the weight at 10#. Today I wanted to focus on strengthening the shoulder.

KB Windmills
25#, 3 per side
35#, 3 per side
50#, 3 per side

It was the first time I’d attempted 50# on the windmills… 35# seemed incredibly hard a few weeks ago. Surprisingly, I felt the work the most on my core and lats, particularly as I would raise back to a standing position. Afterwards, I do have a mild “burn” in the rotator muscle area, similar to one you might feel after working any other muscle to exhaustion. It took me quite a bit of total body effort to stabilize that weight in the air, but it was certainly a nice break from the keyboard.
Made sure I kept the reps low per side to avoid getting carried away. I can always add more sets as the shoulders get stronger.

The results I’m looking for are improved stability in the Overhead Squat, as well as improved function/mobility in the pushups, Snatch, and kipping pullups (normally I feel shoulder discomfort during the sudden deceleration at the bottom of high rep Kipping pullups)

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