2006 SEC Football Discussion Thread

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Or because the BCS stayed 1 and 2 Ohio State and Michigan will rematch for the BCS Title

Itll definatly be Ohio State... the other team will be (almost guarenteed) USC or Michigan. USC needs two computers to jump it over Michigan to go, which they will do if they beat both ND and UCLA. If they lose either, Michigan goes. Florida has almost no chance. They would have to blow out both Florida State and Arkansas by more than they did agaist the School for the Blind last week. I dont see that happening, so I would go ahead and say they are gone.
I'm a little pissed off frankly. Herbstreit and Corso really sounded like idiots the other day. They asked Herbstreit "If Florida beats Arkansas, or Arkansas beats Florida, would you say that one of them has a legitimate claim to a bcs title berth?" And herbstreit said "Absolutely not. If you put Florida on the field with Michigan, or Arkansas on the field with Michigan, Michigan wins... SOUNDLY. I like the SEC but neither Arkansas or Florida gets the style points."

Awesome. So being in a defensively dominating conference disqualifies you from the national title game now, because you can't throw for 600 yds of offense in the SEC. Wow... stupid. Sorry Kirk, Florida just couldn't ring up more than one +50 point game against the top defenses in the country.... too bad they didn't play more big 10 and big east teams... oh wait, they were too busy playing better teams.

I hate Florida with all my heart but they deserve a shot if they beat Arkansas. I think Arkansas will win the SEC title game though, and i think they deserve a shot as well. But because Arkansas lost to USC they won't.

Incidentally, has ANYBODY made any sense of how USC has one loss to a UNRANKED crappy OREGON STATE team, and they are #3, while Notre Dame with one loss to the #2 team in the country is #6??? Apparantly USC could lose 4 games to unranked opponents and still go to a BCS bowl. I hate this system.
A defensive league disqualifies you? Last I check both Michigan and Ohio State have had great defenses all year (i dont know where they were Saturday).

Remember Notre Dame lost by a lot at home, USC lost by 3 on the road. Not that I think it means much, but to the people who's votes matter it seems to.

Judging by you logic, the only logical choice to face Ohio State would be Michigan. Notre Dame may have lost only to the #2 team, but Michigan only lost to the #1 team.

You may hate the system, but look on the bright side, if both Michigan and USC win out, we may have another split national championship on our hands. Wasnt this supposed to be impossible under the BCS?
With the way the BCS is, every regular season game is a playoff game and Michigan lost theirs. I don't care which other team plays Ohio St., but it shouldn't be Michigan again.
I personally would like to see Arkansas and USC end up in a bowl game together. That way, if Arkansas won, it would nullify that loss at the beginning of the season.

I think Arkansas is on a roll, and heaven forbid, FSU trips up Florida.....

I personally would like to see Arkansas and USC end up in a bowl game together. That way, if Arkansas won, it would nullify that loss at the beginning of the season.

I think Arkansas is on a roll, and heaven forbid, FSU trips up Florida.....

If USC beats Notre Dame, I rather expect they will end up playing Ohio State and the winner of the Arkansas-Florida game will play Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl.
If USC beats Notre Dame, I rather expect they will end up playing Ohio State and the winner of the Arkansas-Florida game will play Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl.

So who would Michigan play? the loser? (Florida)
So who would Michigan play? the loser? (Florida)

Possibly -- either them or California. Personally, I'd rather Michigan play California.
This may be slightly blasphemous (look away, West Coasters), but Darren McFadden may well be better than Reggie Bush...:eyebrow:
Mc Fadden couldn't get it done against the Tigers, LSU Tigers that is. But he is good.

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