DA Aquamaster once bubbled...
Umm...No. The base of the Schraeder valve lives on the pressurized side of things in an inflator and you have to press the inflator button to open the valve. (essentially the same as pressing the little valve stem in your car tire but with a large button attached.) If it were reversed the inflator button would have to be sealed against the IP as well and would be much harder to press.
In a balanced inflator, the valve stem is o-ring sealed at both ends in a chamber at IP and air is allowed to pass from the IP pressue chamber to the BC side when the inflator button is pressed. The valve it held closed by a return spring. Failure can occur in this situation if the return spring is lost and the inflator button is then pressed as there will be no pressure to return the valve to the closed position. But again, this has nothing to do with failing and inflating due to higher than normal IP.
hmmm..... gotta picture of that? I thought you were talking about the schader valve in the hose. From your description there must be one in the inflator too. Didn't actually know that. Thanks.