JFS:Blue H20 invoices show the tax that is included in price. It does not get added after.
And here is something to really confuse everyone.
@JFS - are you an SA de CV or operating under your wife's RFC as a persona fisica? Because if you are then you don't have to collect or pay IVA - so therefore why would you need to include it?
Those who are "persona fisica's" a/k/a self employed do not have to collect or pay IVA. So if they are collecting it from you - that is another can of worms.
If on the other hand you are an SA de CV, $75 INCLUDING IVA for a 2-tank dive is undercutting everyone. That's $64 per seat - Those are 2005 prices. Those who actually own boats and have all of the overhead and expenses that go along with it would barely break even on a 6 pack with 6 divers at that price with gas prices, salaries, marina fees, maintenance, etc., etc. Please share your secret with all of the established operators who are charging $80+ IVA - we/they clearly must be doing something wrong!
Hi Christi,
Hope you are staying warm up north. You probably were not aware but I've dabbled into a new venture down here - a brewery. Tax on alcohol is even worse than hotels at 19%. I have to pay 26.5% tax on the beer as I make it, then an additional 16% tax when I sell it. Yes, my beer price is 42.5% Mexico tax.
WOW that is insane! Best of luck to you!