120 with pony VS Dual alum 80's

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Doc Intrepid:
The yahoos are trying to suggest that MORE education, not less, would be a good thing before one makes decisions about going deep with either doubles or bail-out bottles filled with various nitrox mixes: particularly when you take those mixes deeper than those mixes may safely be breathed.

A decision like the one this thread is based on shouldn't be made lightly, and particularly not before one is aware of the consequences.


I believe your earlier thread mentioned carrying a pony bottle should not be designed into your air consumption plan. That is garbage. If this is what you want to do then more power to you. But, is not what the rest of the world does. Many divers use various sizes of pony bottles, and they also use them for consumption during there dive profile. Instaed of scaring him away, I believe that is what he said in one of his responded threads, why not help him advance. Who knows, he just may be smarter, stronger, and more capable than you. It may have taken you the number of dives you have done to get to were you are, but it doesn't mean it will take everyone else that long.
Rec Diver:
I believe your earlier thread mentioned carrying a pony bottle should not be designed into your air consumption plan. That is garbage. If this is what you want to do then more power to you. But, is not what the rest of the world does. Many divers use various sizes of pony bottles, and they also use them for consumption during there dive profile. Instaed of scaring him away, I believe that is what he said in one of his responded threads, why not help him advance. Who knows, he just may be smarter, stronger, and more capable than you. It may have taken you the number of dives you have done to get to were you are, but it doesn't mean it will take everyone else that long.
Ahh...so you meant to say advanced with his real world experience education.

Things are much clearer now.
Ahh...so you meant to say advanced with his real world experience education.

Things are much clearer now.

I hope so. Do you think you are more educated than I? I believe from looking at your profile you have more dives. Wouldn't this be considered "real world experience education". So, with your real world experience are you? You should come dive with me sometime. then we will see how much you have learned.
Ahh.. the good old


Its a great way to get your adrenalin up, but not a good way to stay alive.
Rec Diver:
I believe your earlier thread mentioned carrying a pony bottle should not be designed into your air consumption plan. That is garbage. If this is what you want to do then more power to you. But, is not what the rest of the world does. Many divers use various sizes of pony bottles, and they also use them for consumption during there dive profile. Instaed of scaring him away, I believe that is what he said in one of his responded threads, why not help him advance. Who knows, he just may be smarter, stronger, and more capable than you. It may have taken you the number of dives you have done to get to were you are, but it doesn't mean it will take everyone else that long.
...perhaps we're disagreeing only over semantics.

A bottle that you take down with you intending to breath while you're down there; e.g. the gas in that bottle is planned to be used, is either a stage bottle or a deco bottle. A stage allows longer bottom times, longer penetration, etc. A deco bottle holds different gas mixes designed to efficiently promote offgassing of nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, helium.

A bottle that you take down with you that you ONLY intend to breath if you suffer some sort of catastrophic failure of your primary backgas; e.g. its a completely redundant gas source for emergency use only, is a bail-out bottle.

The term "pony bottle" means so many different things to so many different divers that it has no one single, agree-upon definition - the term basically is meaningless.

So, whether he wants to take down a stage bottle, a deco bottle, or a bail-out bottle; it would be good to have this defined beforehand - particularly if he's going to put EAN40 into the thing, then try to go to it if he gets into an OOA situation at 110 fsw.

The point is that doing gas switches to different gas mixes at depth is a good way to die, if you don't know the MOD for the gas you're carrying and you don't know a reliable way to ensure you're switching to the right tank. More training would likely be a good thing before one begins carrying down slung bottles with EAN mixes, whatever you choose to call them and for whatever purpose.

And thats not garbage...
Doc Intrepid:
...perhaps we're disagreeing only over semantics.

A bottle that you take down with you intending to breath while you're down there; e.g. the gas in that bottle is planned to be used, is either a stage bottle or a deco bottle. A stage allows longer bottom times, longer penetration, etc. A deco bottle holds different gas mixes designed to efficiently promote offgassing of nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, helium.

A bottle that you take down with you that you ONLY intend to breath if you suffer some sort of catastrophic failure of your primary backgas; e.g. its a completely redundant gas source for emergency use only, is a bail-out bottle.

The term "pony bottle" means so many different things to so many different divers that it has no one single, agree-upon definition - the term basically is meaningless.

So, whether he wants to take down a stage bottle, a deco bottle, or a bail-out bottle; it would be good to have this defined beforehand - particularly if he's going to put EAN40 into the thing, then try to go to it if he gets into an OOA situation at 110 fsw.

The point is that doing gas switches to different gas mixes at depth is a good way to die, if you don't know the MOD for the gas you're carrying and you don't know a reliable way to ensure you're switching to the right tank. More training would likely be a good thing before one begins carrying down slung bottles with EAN mixes, whatever you choose to call them and for whatever purpose.

And thats not garbage...

What is garbage is your statement that a pony bottle should NOT be designed for use in the gas consumption plan.
Ahh.. the good old


Its a great way to get your adrenalin up, but not a good way to stay alive.

How would you know if you were a live if you could not feel your blood flow?
Rec Diver:
I hope so. Do you think you are more educated than I? I believe from looking at your profile you have more dives. Wouldn't this be considered "real world experience education". So, with your real world experience are you? You should come dive with me sometime. then we will see how much you have learned.

And I thought I was arrogant.....nice.
Rec Diver:
I hope so. Do you think you are more educated than I? I believe from looking at your profile you have more dives. Wouldn't this be considered "real world experience education". So, with your real world experience are you?
I would start with real education and then use real dives to apply the things I have learned.

I have no idea if I am more educated than you, and I really don't care. What you do is your own business, just like you shouldn't care that I think your style of diving is reckless.

Rec Diver:
You should come dive with me sometime. then we will see how much you have learned.
I doubt that would ever happen.
Rec Diver:
I hope so. Do you think you are more educated than I? I believe from looking at your profile you have more dives. Wouldn't this be considered "real world experience education". So, with your real world experience are you? You should come dive with me sometime. then we will see how much you have learned.
This thread was going fine, with our most experienced members warning the original poster with possible dangers of his planned scenarios and encouraging actual instructor-led training, before you showed up and started pounding your chest and encouraging him to figure it out on his own because it's more exciting.

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