Hi All
Looking to get my first computer. My wife and I are only recreational divers…. AOW and typically diving nitrox. Mix of LOB and land based…. But typically doing multiple dives a day over a few days to a week…. I know at the heart these are both built on the Crest CR-4…. But wondering how different they are and if it matters…. Which is more supported…. Ease of getting the battery replaced…. Any major SW differences…. At $200 less than a shearwater peregrin, this is where I am leaning…. Also the shearwater is just plain huge…. Pros and cons On these? Both seems to have subsurface support now…. Thanks for any helpful info or thoughts on if there is something good at similar price points…
things I like…
1. bluetooth (no extra $75 spend on a data cable…
2. backlighting seems good
3. Bühlmann ZHL 16c- I think…. I expect we might find the RBGM limiting, but our rented computers haven’t caused issues…. So who knows…
4. not enormous. ( I won’t wear it as a watch ever but …)
5. Price - $300-350 is great
thins I may not like
1. it’s small…. Yeah I know…. But aging eyes. Think that with multi focal contacts on I can read this ok….
2. color screen could be nice
Sure would love current views. There was a post directly comparing a few years back- but wonder what people think now. Also wonder about support and service from deep6 and Genesis…
thanks all
Looking to get my first computer. My wife and I are only recreational divers…. AOW and typically diving nitrox. Mix of LOB and land based…. But typically doing multiple dives a day over a few days to a week…. I know at the heart these are both built on the Crest CR-4…. But wondering how different they are and if it matters…. Which is more supported…. Ease of getting the battery replaced…. Any major SW differences…. At $200 less than a shearwater peregrin, this is where I am leaning…. Also the shearwater is just plain huge…. Pros and cons On these? Both seems to have subsurface support now…. Thanks for any helpful info or thoughts on if there is something good at similar price points…
things I like…
1. bluetooth (no extra $75 spend on a data cable…

2. backlighting seems good
3. Bühlmann ZHL 16c- I think…. I expect we might find the RBGM limiting, but our rented computers haven’t caused issues…. So who knows…
4. not enormous. ( I won’t wear it as a watch ever but …)
5. Price - $300-350 is great
thins I may not like
1. it’s small…. Yeah I know…. But aging eyes. Think that with multi focal contacts on I can read this ok….
2. color screen could be nice
Sure would love current views. There was a post directly comparing a few years back- but wonder what people think now. Also wonder about support and service from deep6 and Genesis…
thanks all