My brand-spankin' new Faber LP50's arrived today. My intention is to use them either as manifolded doubles, BM independent doubles, or double-hose regulator doubles--when diving fresh water in a thin wetsuit.
I've been wanting to obtain a pair for a very long time. Finally pulled the trigger last week. I started a thread (linked below) several years ago that suggested to me that they might work nicely for me.
And more recently, after assembling a set of small doubles for my double-hose regulator, using my old OMS (Faber) LP 46's and a U.S. Divers solid-bar, single-outlet manifold, it occurred to me that LP 50's would work better for me for this application (due to what seems to be better buoyancy characteristics).
The attached pic shows the LP50's next to my LP46 doubles and my old-school 72.
I hope to get a VIP for the LP50's tomorrow (I purchased them without valves), and afterward I will assemble them as doubles. Can't wait to try them in the wet. Maybe as soon as this weekend.

I've been wanting to obtain a pair for a very long time. Finally pulled the trigger last week. I started a thread (linked below) several years ago that suggested to me that they might work nicely for me.
And more recently, after assembling a set of small doubles for my double-hose regulator, using my old OMS (Faber) LP 46's and a U.S. Divers solid-bar, single-outlet manifold, it occurred to me that LP 50's would work better for me for this application (due to what seems to be better buoyancy characteristics).
The attached pic shows the LP50's next to my LP46 doubles and my old-school 72.
I hope to get a VIP for the LP50's tomorrow (I purchased them without valves), and afterward I will assemble them as doubles. Can't wait to try them in the wet. Maybe as soon as this weekend.

Test driving a new piece of software, I drew the attached graphic, which might generate an interesting discussion here.
Safe Diving,
P.S. I've included the code in case someone else wants to play.
EDIT: Graphic won't upload. I'll try again later.
It's here now. The thick-wetsuit-ed diver on left is wearing a Scubapro Stabilizing Jacket (SSJ), inflated at depth to compensate for a single full, heavy steel cylinder. The thick-wetsuit-ed diver on the right is wearing a conventional BP/W, inflated at depth to compensate for a single full, heavy steel cylinder. Both divers are swimming side by side, coming toward you, the viewer. To keep things simple, I didn't include lower legs and fins.
I am now one step closer to completing the baby doubles (for my double hose reg) that I've posted about in several threads: I ordered (from Grainger dot com) and earlier today received the "Binding Posts" that thread onto the carriage bolts that pass through the tank bands.
I drilled larger the holes in my back plate, but I still need to cut down the carriage bolts (a bit too long). This is where things stand do far:
ETA: I posted about the harness (Post #5) here: Twin 45's back from Hydro and valves/manifold rebuilt.
ETA: And I posted about the manifold (Post #43) and the bands (Post #47) here: Twin Set Considerations/ Manifold.
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