How many LP50 twin sets to buy

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Twin 50's won't replace an HP 120, they will replace an HP 100, but they also have to be 10% overfilled.
I'm putting together a set of twin 72's to take the place of a 130 because I don't like 8" tanks and also to have that much mass in the center of my back it feels rolley. So twin 72's are it.
I also have a few 7" HP 120's and they are about as big as I'll go with a single.
I also would like to add that based off the cylinder spec sheets, the twin 50s appear lighter, but after you factor in bands, manifold, the extra valve, and the extra regulator, they're going to be a few pounds heavier than a 120, with 20cf less gas when filled to service pressures.

With manifold, and extra 1st stage, with a cave fill of 30% nitrox, they come in at 59lbs. Which is 8lbs more than a HP100 for close to a 50% volume increase. If I am going someplace where I couldn’t get a cave fill, I would just use my HP100’s.

I will also take a look at the 72’s to see if I have a closely matched set as another option.
Funny. But confusing considering your user name.

Names goes back to mocking condescending comments about little girlies lugging our own ali 80’s tanks 90’s. Now im old and cranky with more crap than the LDS. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I buy tanks for “projects” now. I still use those 1990’s 80’s from time to time.
pictures or it didn't happen.
Here are five sets of them. I guess I have more than I thought. I know I have a couple sets in my van in Florida.

"Name goes back to mocking condescending comments about little girlies lugging our own ali 80’s tanks 90’s. Now im old and cranky with more crap than the LDS. 🤷🏻‍♀️. I buy tanks for “projects” now. I still use those 1990’s 80’s from time to time."

Yes but you're my kinda old and cranky CCR cave diver

Will you have access to a (portable) compressor? If doing recreational dives, and you have access to a (portable) compressor, you can do six dives with two sets of double LP50's: Fill the first set with EAN32 (say), and the second set with EAN43. Then:

1. Dive the first set. (This was Dive #1, an EAN32 dive)
2. Use the compressor to top up the first set with air during your surface interval, and use the first set for a shallower, repetitive dive. (Dive #2.)
3. Completely drain the first set.
4. Equalize the first set with the second set, and use your compressor to top up both sets with air. Both sets will now contain ~EAN32. (I think. Check my arithmetic to be sure!)
5. Dive the first set. (Dive #3, an EAN32 dive.)
6. Use the compressor to top up the first set with air and use the first set for a shallower, repetitive dive. (Dive #4.)
7. Dive the second set. (Dive #5, an EAN32 dive.)
8. Use the compressor to top up the second set with air and use the second set for a shallower, repetitive dive. (Dive #6.)

Neat! If you and a dive buddy have four sets of double LP50's--two sets each--and a portable compressor, you'll be able to do six dives together without needing to take twelve (!!) 100 cu ft single tanks with you in your minivan/SUV! And you'll still have room for your camping gear. And your Labrador retriever.

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