Why do we bash each other?

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So, back to your statement above -- "absolutely, because there are a lot of idiots out there" . . . on what then, do you base your "entitlement" or "right" to
(a) pass judgement on another that s/he is an idiot; and
(b) so state without any a priori knowledge of the individual?

Lastly, being so sure of your 'entitlement' to be this way, will you sign your full name?

Jacqueline Tregre


Garth Daniel McClune, and I reside in North Carolina near Charlotte. I love to dive and if you met me (although I haven't given you much to like on this forum) you most likely would like me. I do treat people with respect and don't like to be rude. Although Bob has made it pretty clear that there are no such thing as freedom in the United States of America, I would like you and everyone else to speak the truth when speaking to me whether on a forum online or speaking to me in person.

Progress. Thats all. And I like stirring up a little heat for the sake of the argument. Respond as you will and thank you. Oh and one other thing.... don't worry i'm not a liberal.
Spider web has several functions, one is that it provides a matrix for platelets to adhere to the other is that the web is anti-bacterial:

Elaine Hunchuck DeFrank, a researcher at the Coal and Coke Heritage Center at Penn State Fayette – The Eberly Campus, has interviewed coal patch residents about their lives. One interviewee mentioned that “bleeding from a cut should be covered with a cobweb,” adding that “to avoid a scar, one should apply goose lard to the wound.”

Using spider webs to stop bleeding is an old idea. According to Penn State biologist Dr. Don McKinstry, who is quoted by Vicki L. Glembocki in a 1995 article entitled “Arachnicillin,” “spider webs have been used for wound dressings since the first century A. D.” Glembocki notes that William Shakespeare mentioned this remedy in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” when the character Bottom says, “I shall desire you of more acquaintance, good master cobweb. If I cut my finger, I shall make bold of you.”

Is there really a scientific reason why a spider web or cobweb might stop bleeding and help healing? According to Glembocki, it is not the web itself that supposedly protects against microbial attack. It is, rather, “a chemical coating on the silk, much like the sticky coating for prey capture, which is released from one of many glands as the spider spins the web.” Arachnologist Rainer Foelix theorizes that “the coating may protect old and abandoned webs from fungal and bacterial attack.” In other words, spider webs seem to have an antiseptic quality. - Spiders Provided A Helpful Remedy For Bleeding Wounds by Glenn Tunney
Although Bob has made it pretty clear that there are no such thing as freedom in the United States of America, . . .

Really? and where exactly did he state that, or make that clear? I missed that particular line / thought.

You have no freedom, nor right, to behave as you please on this or any other Internet forum ... except as granted to you by the owner of said forum.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

By suggesting that we are given freedom by owners of a forum.
By suggesting that we are given freedom by owners of a forum.

Just to clarify a legal point here: I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding of Freedom of Speech is that it does not apply to people who are on private property. In this or any other internet forum, you are effectively a guest on another person's private property. That is why a moderator can legally and constitutionally delete your comments or ban you from the forum.
Hey Bob,

Thank you for setting me straight on the fact that I have no freedoms. Maybe that statement isn't rude but it is not exactly optimistic though, right? My point is not any of those you listed were exactly rude or nasty, but none of them were exactly nice either. My point involves progress. It is not about something so subjective like whether someones feelings are hurt. I'm totally against rude comments and my comment about growing some balls is rather about courage to step into arguments for good cause.
You misunderstand the difference between freedom and business. This board is a business. It has rules. And just like any business, if you want to participate you follow the rules. In order to become a member here, you agreed to those rules. Did you read them? You should have.

My point involves reasonable behavior ... and having the integrity to put some thought into what you write, so that the person you're addressing decides to listen. That's the other component of communication, after all ... listening. Without it, whatever you say is useless.

As for your comments about growing some balls ... it takes no courage at all to come onto an internet forum and behave badly ... after all, what are the consequences?

By the way, notice that I thanked you for your comment about me Bob because I have and still do like reading your posts.
I chose my words purposefully ... in response to something else you wrote ...

absolutely, because there are a lot of idiots out there. I happen to be one on occasion and I would like it if someone is able to tell me about it if they need to.
I figured you were thanking me for doing what you asked ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Although Bob has made it pretty clear that there are no such thing as freedom in the United States of America, I would like you and everyone else to speak the truth when speaking to me whether on a forum online or speaking to me in person.

Wrong ... Bob has made it clear that Freedom of Speech has nothing whatsoever to do with your "rights" to post whatever you feel like on an Internet forum.

That's the point you're missing.

This is a business. How does your freedom of speech apply if you should decide to walk into work and behave badly to your boss or co-workers?

There are rules of behavior established for participating in this discussion. You agreed to them when you joined ScubaBoard. If you choose to ignore them, it is just cause to terminate the relationship.

It's really that simple. You have a complete misunderstanding of what "Freedom of Speech" means ... and what it applies to.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
......This is a business. How does your freedom of speech apply if you should decide to walk into work and behave badly to your boss or co-workers?.. Bob (Grateful Diver)

Bob & Jax great replies. :0

I think it is interesting how a group of people see Freedom of Speech differently. Why must we conflate speaking constructively (not rude, harsh, condescending etc) with removing free speech? Why is this even a topic where people post comments trying to justify rude behavior?

In my original post I ask why do we bash each other? I never said why do we give constructive opinions, and engage in civil debates (sometimes heated) backed by facts and knowledge?

You simply can’t behave badly to a boss or co-worker…..You don’t have an Avatar, fake screen name, no profile details to make poor behavior acceptable!

We do have free speech here in America. Free speech with common sense. I ask, if you really think you can speak your mind without consequence say the following on a plane in flight.. (Stand up in the aisle and say) “ I have a bomb on board and I plan to kill all of us”. You have an extremely good chance the passengers and crew will tackle you and possibly kill you.
This is the type of response which puts people off.

Sorry. Your post opened some wounds that are evidently still a bit raw, and I responded in haste.

If you read my original post again, you will see that I said

In the aftermath of that tragedy, we all spent a lot of time dealing with the concept of bullying. One of the things I learned is that bullies do not believe they are doing anything wrong. They are just having good fun, and their victims should just play along with the fun they were having.

My point was about the generic form of this kind of behavior, and I was comparing it to the Internet forum basher. Interestingly enough, we see a good example of exactly this point in the most recent series of exchanges.
Sorry. Your post opened some wounds that are evidently still a bit raw, and I responded in haste.

I understand and am not offended or bothered in any way. I only pointed the tone out due to the nature of the thread.

If you read my original post again, you will see that I said

My point was about the generic form of this kind of behavior, and I was comparing it to the Internet forum basher.

And I agree with you fully. I am a retired police officer turned public school system administrator. I saw the raw material in the aftermath of the shootings as we (police) attempted to formulate rationale and response should copycats try the same.

As a school system administrator, every single day I am speaking to parents or students about bullying issues.

Your comparisons are apt

Interestingly enough, we see a good example of exactly this point in the most recent series of exchanges.

I have noticed that also

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