Finish DM with different Instructor?

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Well, I followed my PADI contact's advice and sent my story officially into PADI. We shall see what we shall see.
As in any relationship, all parties are responsible. I am not, in any way, saying that I'm a perfect angel. I must have done something or possibly many somethings that rubbed my instructor wrong. Here is my biggest complaint - if there are/were, I AM NOT AWARE OF IT. He did make a little slam on his last email he sent saying I am a challenging student and customer. Well, why would he sell me a BCD for $150 cheaper than I can get it from, gasp, LeisurePro. Or sell my GF a new $900 dollar regulator for just over $400 not even 3 weeks ago? The more I reread from the DM material or the instructor manual, his responsibilities are to guide me and if I am a "challenging student" then let me in on the secret. I can definitely say, as I mentioned before, I used to get the rolling of the eyes or negative comments about scubaboard or other internet resources that I would present. If I am as informed as I can be, utilizing any information source that I have available, and that makes me challenging then so be it. I am getting calls and emails every minute of people locally who are hearing about this incident and they all appear to be supporting me so I can't be *that* bad... not if people are asking to go on our own trips together! I'm sorry, something is wrong but I cannot feel I'm too far from the mark... the example diver that DM is all about.
He did make a little slam on his last email he sent saying I am a challenging student and customer.
I *know* I'm a challenging student (and I'm pretty sure at least some of my instructors would agree). I ask deeper questions than most people, and sometimes (often?) the questions are things that normal people wouldn't have bothered to think. They seem to enjoy the academic challenge that having me in class provides, but apparently I can be a little intimidating just by virtue of being able to do the physics backwards in my head while juggling eggs and making a soufflé. (It's not my fault that I have a chemical engineering degree. I don't even practice much.)

I've had an instructor tell me he values what I add to the class, even if sometimes it goes in a different direction than the lesson plan. It's more effort to work with me, but the rewards easily outweigh the costs. (That made me happy. I make it a point not to interrupt or distract with my comments and to only bring up the relevant and interesting ones. The best part of Modern Marvels or Good Eats episodes are sometimes the little factoids before the commercial breaks, and that's what I often provide -- opportunities to think. :D)

The more I reread from the DM material or the instructor manual, his responsibilities are to guide me and if I am a "challenging student" then let me in on the secret.
The only reasons I can think of for which an instructor should "give up" on a student all involve laziness, apathy, or lack of sufficient consideration. If you won't do the work, if you don't care, or if you can't or won't understand and accept the gravity of leadership, the instructor is obligated to refuse to certify. Pretty much everything else can be worked through. Although some people require a bit more work to get into leadership shape, if they're willing, the instructor should work through it with them. Anything less illuminates a failing of the instructor.

You sound quite reasonable, and from the description of the work you're having to do to try to get past this roadblock, I dare say you're not lazy and apathetic. The fact you're reading the materials for insight into roles and responsibilities seems to indicate that you are not taking everything lightly and showing a lack of consideration. Judging just from all that, I'd have to say don't beat yourself up over it, as it doesn't appear to be a failure on your part. On the other hand, it is indeed good to look at your role in all this, as you're doing, and also make a point to remember this in the future when you someday come across a challenging diver of your own. :biggrin:

Hmm... If you hid a malevolent personality, maybe there's that, too, but you'd have to be one heck of a psychopath to get that far without being recognized... but perhaps you're such a nice guy... like the neighbors always say. :D
I too would like to know the shop. I'm just down the road from ya and although most of my money is spent in Colorado Springs I do frequent a few of the shops up there. I have a gut feeling I know the shop but a Pm would be great. I'm going to Blue hole this weekend and finishing up my Rescue Diver course and will then probably move to Dive master. I just can't seem to stop spending money on this sport.

To further make this saga more ridiculous, I got an email from this instructor. Right after Christmas I went to Blue Hole with him, it was snowing like a blizzard out. I didn't want to go but he begged me - he was days away from a well needed hip surgery. He offered to loan me his semi-dry suit, I even remember opening a thread here on SB about semi-dry suits, I had never even heard of them. Anyway, he loaned it to me so I could help out with this class that could not be rescheduled (the family that needed finishing up had an upcoming vacation and cancelling was not an option). So I went down. Well, the thing was ancient, we couldn't get the back zipper completely closed and, while humping tanks back'n'forth, the zipper blew open. I offered many times during and after that trip to fix it, every time I got a "don't worry about it". Now, I get an email indicating that "because I still owe a rental fee for the semidry suit" and it needing repair, he cannot release my DM paperwork until I A) purchase this piece of crap suit, or B) send him $75 to repair the zipper....
I am in awe. I did NOT respond to this, only forwarded it onto the QA address at PADI where I was directed to file my complaint. Not only did my fiance' know fully what was going on, but the guy taking DM with me is in shock also. This is a new low and I am waiting patiently to see how PADI addresses this issue. Un-be-lieve-able!
From the sublime to the ridiculous, indeed!
I am in awe. I did NOT respond to this, only forwarded it onto the QA address at PADI where I was directed to file my complaint. Not only did my fiance' know fully what was going on, but the guy taking DM with me is in shock also. This is a new low and I am waiting patiently to see how PADI addresses this issue. Un-be-lieve-able!
You seem to be dealing with a pathological personality (which precludes any direct response being a good idea). I worked for a piece of work before I made it to my current employer, so I certainly empathize.

Good luck and godspeed, and if we ever get to dive together, I'm going to have to buy you a root beer.

(By the way, working for a paranoid delusional megalomaniac Columbian (who was married to an Italian he met at LSU, and who had four very young daughters, the youngest three of which were triplets who sounded *exactly* like Peanuts characters) has permanently colored my outlook on life. The corporeal incarnation of Dilbert's boss himself would have nothing on where I've been. :rofl3:)
Now, I get an email indicating that "because I still owe a rental fee for the semidry suit" and it needing repair, he cannot release my DM paperwork until I A) purchase this piece of crap suit, or B) send him $75 to repair the zipper....

Let the games begin.....hopefully your PADI rep will see through this. Let your rep tell you what to do. (pay it or not)
Well, paying it is a completely different issue. What he is trying to do is tie some cost, any cost, with my DM. I told the guy I would pay for it and still might. The more I think about his low tactics the more I am leaning away, as the anger phase sets in. It was an old suit, messed up before I ever used it. I said I'd pay for it. He told me repeatedly not to worry about it. No matter what, I was under internship, never "rented" this and it should have nothing to do with my DM paperwork.
BTW, Clayjar, I would certainly take you up on the rootbeer!
Like I said, he's now playing games with you. The only PADI way he can hold up your paperwork is for non-payment issues. Sounds like he's come up with something. Luckily for you it's only $75. Now, if you pay it and he comes up with something else, then you have another issue. That's why I said let your PADI rep tell you how to proceed. Perhaps it can be worked out between them.
Times like this that I am so glad my DM instructor is superb. I have heard of things like this happening before (not PADI) but usually after you hear the entire story it makes sense, with that said...this one lends its self to leaning on the DM candidate if all the emails from the shop owner is accurate. I would figure that, with an email from the DM instructor stating that the paperwork is being sent to PADI and he was all done, no more DM work is required. IF you have forwarded the emails to PADI. I agree pay the $75. only if the PADI rep. tells you to do.
What he is trying to do is tie some cost, any cost, with my DM. I told the guy I would pay for it and still might. The more I think about his low tactics the more I am leaning away, as the anger phase sets in.
The noble thing to do would to pay for the repair. However if this is getting as nasty as it sounds like simply say what semi-dry! I have no signed record (agreement) of me ever renting a semi-dry from the store or you, can you send me a copy? He's playing games as already mentioned. Keep all emails this clowns sends to you and simply forward them to your contact at PADI HQ.

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