Question Good second stage for use as octo

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Holualoa, HI
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1000 - 2499
I am pretty tired of lower quality regulators sold for use as an octo. Lightweight and streamlined are not our highest priority. Good breathing (it will be used in an emergency, don't want a panicked diver sucking on a crappy reg) and high resistance to free flowing (because that's its main job near 100% of the time) are our priorities. What is your recommendation for a mid- to slightly better than mid-level second stage to use as an octo that fits this bill?

The rest of our setup is Scubapro Mk.21/25 and D400's. (yes, we have been able to keep the D400's serviced and working, thank goodness).

I put the Scubapro R195 in the category of "not a very good reg." Have not been a fan of the series that begat the G260 (maybe what I had was a G200?) but nearly everyone thinks it is a good second stage.

Scubapro C370 maybe?

Hmm, there is another thread about using an octo as primary? That is something I would never do.
The g200 is not really a good representative of the G series (well it’s, just a very early iteration), I believe it is an unbalanced reg (vs the g200b, 250/V, 260 being balanced ); IIRC
You can update the 200 to a balanced version I think also

Still I can understand that some don’t prefer them due to their “full” size
I’m personally a big fan of the g260 (amazing WoB, seatsaver, microadjust, built like a tank)
I used 2 of them as prim/safe second till recently, where I switched my primary to their predecessor, Balanced adjustable (156), essentially a g250 in an all brass/chrome case

If you want a smaller sized case,
the c370 is a favorite among a lot and comes highly recommended (I haven’t tried one); it has a unique lever that has continuous contact with the diaphragm and lower friction; fits the “mid range” criteria and only the s series surpasses it (same size class in SP product range)
The s270 is a plastic version of the s600/620; it’s cheaper and has great performance as well; minus the adjustment knob; also great performance (I hear/read)

Another idea, Why not match your primary with another D400 (tougher to source but not impossible)?
You can switch them out regularly to keep them at the same wear level (in the seat)
Ofcourse it comes at the cost of harder service procedure and service kit/pats cost
I originally got the c370 as an Octo with the S600 intended as a primary, then I realised the c370 breathes better out of the box (factory condition) and the exhaust tee on it behaves better about keeping the bubbles out of my face when shooting video in no currents. Now I intend to keep the S600 as my backup and use the c370 as primary in the long run… and yes the improved exhalation WOB of the 620/370 exhaust chimney design is another thing…
Hmm, there is another thread about using an octo as primary? That is something I would never do.
It is a standard procedure for anyone using long hose with the oct dangling under the chin.
BYW, if you do not trust your 2nd stage then why would you donate it to someone in emergency? It just does not make any sense at all.
I, too, use a d400 as a primary, but I wouldn't choose another d400 for a safe second. I use an Aqualung Legend or a DGX Gears D6.
I, too, use a d400 as a primary, but I wouldn't choose another d400 for a safe second. I use an Aqualung Legend or a DGX Gears D6.
Why so? I assume not having an adjustment to make it stiffer?
The d400 is a great regulator, but it is kind of tricky and difficult to find someone who can work on it. It has an adjustable venturi, but it is internal and accessible through the mouthpiece with some difficulty. Both the Legend and the D6 are easily adjustable for venturi and cracking effort on the fly. They are a standard configuration and easy to service.
But there are many brands that make a good second and many opinions on which is the best.

OOPS: The Legend only has a user adjustable venturi.

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