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Just returned from Curacao where my boyfriend and I dove down to 144 feet on air. My computer said we could stay there for one minute, we didn't. Looking now into classes on the mixes so we can go deeper.
131' on air at the Blue Hole in Belize on my 7th dive, and the only time I've been that deep since. I felt great, was very comfortable, and had a wonderful time. I guess that is about the deepest I would go without further training, but most of my dives are in the 40-60' range, as I prefer to have more bottom time.
I have gone to 152' on air at Angelita Cenote close to Tulum in the Yucatan, great dive, kind of cripy with that cloud hanging at around 100', but well woth it, also this was the first time I felt narcosis, granted I have not dived deeper than 100' before then.
For everybody who felt great at 1XX feet, did it occur to you that you felt so good because you were narced?

When i realized that at 110 feet 9x5=41 I quickly realized that air was not the optimal mix for that depth... until i get further training I will leave the cold depths to others.
The visibility is always as far as I can see.
The deepest depth is always as deep as I have been.
I am willing to go as deep as it takes.
For everybody who felt great at 1XX feet, did it occur to you that you felt so good because you were narced?


Yeah man... but I just do it on weekends...and I can quit any time:D
Yeah man... but I just do it on weekends...and I can quit any time
Yeah, you get $20 if your post count is lower than your depth :D
In that case, my deepest dive s to 7000'.

Easy, do you need my Paypal address to sent the money?
I find it interesting how, especially new, divers are obsessed with "going deep." And, get into one-ups-manship games. ("I've been to 120ft." "Oh, yeah, well I've been to 125ft...") If that's what you like, then fine. But eventually most (not all) learn that there is rarely much to look at that deep and all you do is burn up your air. At most dive sites, most of the stuff worth looking at tends to be above 70ft. And more frequently, it's above 40ft.

I've been pretty deep. I won't say how deep, because I don't want to participate in the contest. But, these days, I won't plan a deep dive unless there is a known specific objective for going deep.

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