You know you're a scuba diver when...

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Just looking to have a little fun. Please complete the following phrase, You know you're a scuba diver when...

When the only "nudi's" you think about are of the Sea Slug variety.
Someone says, "Want to see some Nudi pictures?" and you expect them to be brightly colored sea slugs of varios genus.

Love that one :biggrin2:
Girl, that is blasphemy. I can't kick that habit!
Well, it's not totally gone, but I have slowed down.........:wink:
...when the bills are pilled up and your phone is turned off and you're still shopping for that new dive computer that you've always wanted.
...when you check out a guy's watch in a bar before checking out his ring finger.
when the only watches you'll buy are dive watches, whether you actually plan on diving with them or not.
-when you know what these mean: PADI, NAUI, SSI, DIR, AOW, RNT ...

-when you know what a dive flag is

-when you wave whenever you see a dive flag on a car

-when you have a dive flag on your car

-when you know enough not to cruise up to a dive flag in a boat to check it out or use the flag for a turn buoy riding a jet-ski.

-when you point at every body of water you drive by & proudly tell your car mates, "dive site".

-when you plan parts of your house around where to dry & store your gear

-when you gladly pay for air

-when you gladly pay twice as much for nitrox

-when you gladly pay even more for trimix

-when you know what nitrox & trimix are

Good thread!
When you have (rather large) bookmark folders named "Dive related" on both your home AND work computers.

When you have your LDS, Leisure pro and/or Scubatoys in the first 5 bookmarks!

You use the NEW suitcase to transport your gear to your vacation spot, and the old crappy one for your clothes!
When you get paid to dive for a living and then can't wait for your next long dive vacation to begin.
When every vacation you take involves lugging around 40 pounds of dive gear, and you bring less clothes to make room for your gear..

I can't believe it took until post #97 for someone to mention Dive flag stickers on your car!

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