I'm glad you said "...in my view..." because there are a variety of opinions and reasons, substantial and fanciful that apply.
As for someone showing up for a "...big tech dive..." with what is considered to be wrong equipment I think there is a much more fundamental question: Why would anyone do a "big tech dive" with a stranger?
I have been taught, and my experience reinforces, that it is not safe to dive with strangers in difficult or "advanced" dives. For what would be considered a big tech dive, since no one is a stranger, all equipment and skill issues have been resolved in previous dives. If they have not been resolved the team isn't ready to do the dive yet; period.
I thought I was agreeing with your statement; however, I probably shouldn't have quoted you because I expanded on the thought.
I have done big dives (big for me) with 'strangers' before. Usually, but not always, it's based upon a good, perhaps even glowing, recommendation from from the dive shop.
I also do cave dives with 'Instabuddies' with no recommendation.
It just depends on what you're comfortable with. But, I find that most cave divers are fairly well squared away and I haven't had a serious buddy related problem. I personally have enough experience and confidence in my skills that it would be very difficult for a buddy to endanger my life, short of outright trying to strangle me underwater. Maybe I can't save him from himself, but that's another issue. That's where the whole self-sufficient diver can be the best buddy argument comes in...
Anyway, this is one of the reasons I chimmed in on this subject because it becomes necessary to mentally evaluate each of these instabuddies prior to the dive. The use of Yoke valves and other equipment I consider to be recreational would be a red flag, requiring further conversation prior to the dive.
If you want to be that diver that everyone has to scrutinize before diving with, then by all means, cling to your Yokes. That's really the main point I wanted to make.
I personally have never declined to dive with anyone, at least that I can recall. And, I appreciate all the times others have let me dive with them so that I didn't have to sit out the dive. In those instances, somebody made an allowance for me, so I make allowances for others, if at all possible. Turnabouts fair play...