Bayou Platypus:Still having issues getting the Manta Spring Straps (with the stainless steel clip) to fit a pair of Mares Volos.
The post on the fin is a little too big, so the clips do not quite fit. The "Helpful Hints" on the instruction page recommend lightly filing the inside of the metal clip until it fits the post on the fin. Has anyone been successful with "filing" their Manta Spring Straps?
Honestly, I am not crazy about the Manta design. I have them on my A Quattros. At teh LDS where I got them, the person behind the counter put them on for me and mangled the heck out of my posts. Now they are a bit loose, so I had to DIY a zip tie in a fugure eight around the post and clip to hold it there. One fin did come uclip before that.
Personally, if I had it all to do over again, I would go with the DIY solution that Boogie711 from this board sells. His "clip" is a "U" bolt that is held in place with a screw. Fits more securely than the Manta and less of an entaglement hazard...
If you check out any post by Boogie711, he has the link to the product in his signature...