.....I think I've damaged the host connection enough now and after one last try after soaking I'm gonna take it to people with the correct equipment to try to fix it.
I'm late to the party, but it sounds like you will need to take it to the dive shop. Once you've rounded the nut, you'll need the proper tools to remove it (as already suggested, probably a very good pair of vice grip pliers, a 1st stage handle, a table vice, a rubber mallet, and a prayer

Once the dive shop gets it removed, invest in a good quality wrench that fits the fitting (
not an adjustable wrench or pliers!!).
If you do not have a vice, a trick I sometimes employ (carefully!!!) with the
correct sized wrench is to place the 1st stage on a carpeted floor, positioning the 1st stage, 1st stage handle and wrench approriately so that I can carefully
stand on the wrench to break loose the overtightened part.... sounds gruesome, but it actually works well (the key is to be careful, and have the bits and pieces positioned properly). But if the nut is rounded
at all this will make it worse, so it is of no use in your situation.
A first stage handle looks like this:
First Stage Handle, Heavy Duty, Brass
But my guess is that since you'll be installing your own hoses, you'll never have an overtightened fitting again
Good luck and Best Wishes.