About the GF low limit , i ask them by mail , they responding that they will open the GF low setting in one of the future EANX software update .
They tell me in few weeks ....................
So maybe in 2 or 3 years :laughing:
As a consumer for me is great to have new guys (competitors) on the market for two reasons:
1. New devices, new features, eventual better price
2. Old companies will change for better
All companies have good and "funny" moments. When I'm reading for computers there is always posts as: stay away from devices with serial number smaller than ......, avoid hardware version..... because has problems with buttons... etc.
As a bystander I see companies start to offer new color menues, new recreational nitrox modes, new features. That is fantastic. Some of them offers more than 10 firmware updates yearly per device.
Definitely X-Deep did not make the best start on the market. True story

If they have trouble free hardware in a solid body the software updates in time made by user request will improve the computer, but only time will tell.
First devices as mine went on the market only with strap (I do not like straps) in the package, now they have also bungee included. So they listen, also I see improvements in last firmware.