My experience with XDeep BT OLED:
- From the announcement over an year ago I want to have it and test it
- At the first possible moment in August 2013 I put a request to our local distributor to deliver few BT
- They arrived few days before Easter, April 2014
I had a lot funny moments during the waiting time, forum and fb comments, even I wrote on Czernik wall that I'll go to boot show and I'll steal one BT there
First impression for me was the buttons, they looks trouble free because they are outside of the BT body and have no orings... .etc
After a years of Aladin G2 usage the long and short button pressing become an instinct for me so I like them. They work exellent.
May be many of us are watching color television so having one under water is not that big fad. Fantastic visibility.
Making registration of the BT was easy. After filling the registraion form there is no need to wait annoying mail confirmation and you are ready to login.
Next available step was to add the product code (not the serial number) and the device was added to my acc. In the next second on the screen appears it's serial number and last available firmware version update. Downloading took a less than 2 sek.
After connecting BT with the PC and activate USB on BT and copy firmware into the firmware folder on the BT the only thing left is to reboot the device. After rebooting and choosing Upgrade it takes less than 5 sek firmware to be updated and the BT to become operaional with the new sofftware.
I really enjoy the simplicity of the update procedure. That simple will be to upgrade BT to Nitrox or Trimix computer just this time I'll need to add activation code and new firmware will be generated to update BT to Nitrox.... so I'll wait the guys from Xdeep to make a lot of new features for us
At the first evening BT join me for a dive
Even the log book is fantastic. I have no patience to try it in depth.
During the night was really lovely.