Perrone, just for my own understanding who did you take cavern/intro from (instructor + agency pls.)?
Are you continuing with them for full cave? Why or why not?
What do you want to accomplish with a wreck class and why do you think your cave training is insufficient in this area?
For the moment, I'll leave the instructor out of the conversation. Agency was IANTD. I will likely finish full cave with this instructor, however I plan to take several other cave courses with other agencies.
My goal for wreck class is to explore ships both externally and internally to a depth where I feel comfortable. Right now, that is shallower than 80-90ft for both wrecks and caves, though I have been about 95ft deep in a cave. This limit will likely be extended after completing trimix training.
I did not say my cavern/cave class was insufficient, however wrecks seem to pose some hazards that caves appear not to. Wrecks don't "flow", wrecks rust, wrecks can have "false exits", wrecks may or may not match the "map", wrecks may have doors that can swing shut, wrecks may have ordinance on them.
Caves, at least from my very limited experience, don't have similar issues, but do present some formidable issues of their own, the biggest one being penetration distance. I reminded someone this week that in my cave course we penetrated well beyond the length of the Oriskany in an overhead. A sobering thought to those accustomed to being able to make a quick egress from an overhead.
I have never shyed away from training. Experience may well be the best teacher, but a good instructor is invaluable in my opinion. When possible, I will try to choose an instructor who shares the same principles I do in their approach to diving, and I prefer to train with those who leave and breathe the type of diving I am training to do. When I wanted to learn cave diving, I went to someone who's in caves 3-4 days a week, doing 5k ft + penetrations, and was teaching every month. I hope to find someone similar in the wreck arena, as I am sure they will have more to teach me than I can possibly absorb in a class.