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would you rather fall face first in an outhouse or have the minnesota vikings rub their sweaty bodies all over you?

As long as the "rubbing sweaty bodies" was in the context of a contact sport, I'll take the sweat! I play full-contact, tackle, jungle-rules basketball with Russians and Estonians; none of that sissy 2-hand-touch stuff, so I'm used to it! :D

Eat spotted owl or bald eagle??
As long as were are PC. Bald eages... more meat.
Some snakes hybernate so they store up fat for the winter, coarse that would make them tastier. I grew up eatin' bugs on a farm so they're no big deal.
Some snakes hybernate so they store up fat for the winter, coarse that would make them tastier. I grew up eatin' bugs on a farm so they're no big deal.
I am not a herpetologist, but I don't believe snakes "store up fat for the winter." Just because they may or may not hibernate does NOT mean that they go on eating frenzies to "store up fat." :shakehead:

What does being on a farm have to do with eating bugs? I also grew up on a farm but never remember termites on the menu!:rofl3:
No but worms and ladybugs were fair game. They went well with dirt. Come on now. What kinda farm kind doesn't eat dirt.
Would you rather have strawberry or chocolate milk?
Chocolate milk.

Would you rather sleep all day and work all night or work all day and sleep all night
Sleep all night, never could get into the swing of nightshift.

Be betrayed by your best friend or your lover?

Injections in your rump or your arm?
Arm. I've had blood tests done and even though it sucks I don't think I could face getting pricked in the @ss

fly in a helicopter or drift in a hang-glider

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