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Classical. I can't stand that hip hop. You can't spell crap without "rap"

Stuck at a kareokee (*sp*) party for life or never allowed to listen to music again?

Work inside a factory at >100 degrees or outside <32 degrees?
Outside cause you can at least put things on to get warmer.

Work with somebody you really hate or never/rarely see a person you really like
Rarely see someone I like, most of my friends are outta state anyway.

Shop the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve?
Christmas eve

return a gift from someone close and disappoint them or keep a gift you really hate from someone close to make them happy?
return it.

suffer through christmas 365 days a year, or jump from the ids tower in Mpls.
Grinch. Christmas year round!!!!

Live with someone you love that doesn't love you OR with someone that loves you that you don't love?
live with someone I don't love

sit thru 2 hour mall traffic or sit thru dinner at the inlaws
sit thru 2 hour mall traffic or sit thru dinner at the inlaws
Dinner! Can always drown your miseries under more gravy! :D

Be the guy that opens the door at Wal-mart on Dec 26th or work on the world's largest zoo's staff as official temperature taker during a species wide epidemic involving loose bowels!! :shocked2:

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