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zoo staff

clean up after the epidemic or the walmart shoppers
zoo staff

clean up after the epidemic or the walmart shoppers
dittos, I'll stay stay the zoo with the animals. Uuhh, I guess that doesn't clarify the choice much does it? :rofl3:
I'll avoid Wal-Mart, how's that!? :eyebrow:

Go 4 days without water or 2 weeks without food?
Go 4 days with out water.

Be stuck for a week in the hottest place in the world or be stuck for a week in the coldest place in the world ?
Be stuck for a week in the hottest place in the world or be stuck for a week in the coldest place in the world ?

I think I have about done both!! Death Valley and Siberia! What is wrong with me? :confused: Hey, don't answer that! It was a rhetorical question!

I'll take the cold! No sweat!

Flood your drysuit because of a leak in 34 degree water at 80 feet or have a pee valve backfire!
pee valve, at least it's warm at first (though I'd have to put one in first)

dive in no viz conditions for the rest of your life, or only do 1 dive for the rest of your life in unlimited viz?
Yeah Beth, you're right. That was a little sexist wasn't it? Sorry bout that! :doh2:

dive in no viz conditions for the rest of your life, or only do 1 dive for the rest of your life in unlimited viz?
This is too easy! Only good viz I ever dove in was the pool! :rofl3:
I'll take no viz for 100 Alex!

Rip out a toenail or fingernail?
rip off an arm or a leg?

Oh yeah, been ripped off like that before. Arm and a leg, oh, wait, that wasn't what you meant?? Wow, you are getting vicious! :D

Probably have to go with the arm.

Marry for life an ugly-but-smart or a incredibly-stupid-but-cute?
incredibly stupid but cute.
the smart one will catch you at everything.

Work in Hockeynuts piledriving crew for a week, or be a boy toy for a 60 year old rich homo?
Should I change for a lesb. but it really doesn't matter. I don't do old guys and I'm old.
A weeks worth of work.
Bungy jumping or skydiving
And I don't do either, yes it qualifies as negative choices for me Sibermike

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