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Woah Hockeynut, you look a lot better in your new avatar. Amazing what getting contacts and ditching the glasses can do! :rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
Ditched the MIL with with the ex. Eat an onion.
Go bare-foot over gravel or wear pantyhose?
Pantyhose - I wear em with a dress anyway

eat a scorpion or a tarantula?
Scorpion, just hold it by the tail and have him head on in.
Sit through a tornado or a hurricane... in a trailer.
PS snakes (especially winter snakes) have a lotta fat.
tornado, it will be over quicker

would you rather be lost in the desert or in a swamp?

would you rather walk across northern minnesota in january, or kiss rosie o'donnell?
ohmdiver, as long as he's buyin

would you rather fall face first in an outhouse or have the minnesota vikings rub their sweaty bodies all over you?
snakes (especially winter snakes) have a lotta fat.
I don't know about that because snakes don't gorge themselves for hibernation like bears do, so they may not be any fatter than usual, maybe even leaner. But I could be wrong! :D

Besides, if you're getting down to menu choices between bugs and snakes, you are probably needing a little fat in the diet!! :D

Snakes are actually pretty good. They taste just like, well, spotted owl! :rofl3:

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