Would you Encourage or Discourage your Child to Enlist?

If Your Child Wanted to Enlist, Would You ...

  • Encourage the idea

    Votes: 44 26.3%
  • Discourage the idea

    Votes: 62 37.1%
  • Tell them it's up to them

    Votes: 61 36.5%

  • Total voters

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No comment.:wink: +

the Marines just beat their recruitment goals by 40%

hmmm...nobody else came close. Must be those big bucks and cushy jobs that make the Marine Corps so darn attractive.

and they have the lowest disablity claims, by far, curious eh?

...I had to comment

C: As you know, the Marines usually attract the true idealists, those who want to serve, not talk, they just do.
I am very surprised you havnt joined the marines Catherine:wink:

he he...well kinda. I'm brainwashed. JB always says "don't drink the koolaide, just taste it and swish it around"

Still, the stats speak for themselves about certain things.
Marines kick *** ... gotta love it
it does not seem to me that a career with any of the special forces (Army or Navy) lends itself to a long lifespan.

Two things: first of all, please don't forget the ubiquitus USAF Special operators (every bit as HooRah as the other branches) and the USMC Det 1/MEU SOC's.
Second: What the heck are you talking about?
The USMC met thier recruitment goals (<< truth) for the following reasons: (accuracy >>) They are the smallest branch of service. They have been under a constant drawn down for almost 10 years, hence their recruitment goals have been decreasing at the same rate. Their recruitment goals have been severely watered down << truth<<, since the so called "peace dividend (remember the whole Berlin Wall thing). The numbers that really matter are RETENTION. Both the Army and USMC are projecting critical/severe losses in what amounts to mid-level-management: The aptly described Back Bone of the Service....the NCO corps [and their equivalent officer grades (1Lt-Maj)]<<accuracy.
I have very much appreciated how civil this conversation has been but I will no longer add commentary. Ringing the bell for my brothers/sisters in arms is one thing but to offer up this kind of bravado without the facts surrounding them, leaves me in an undescribeable funk. I have lost several friends and acquaintances in the past 6 years for reasons I cannot yet make complete sense of. Certainly the USMC deserves the accolades and love of those whom the protect with their life's blood. However, accuracy and truth are two different things. I know that no one here has meant any malice and that there are differing opinions, I wish to express my respect and understanding. None-the-less, I will abstain from further commentary or reading another thread. besides, this has slipped from the original question anyway
projecting critical/severe losses in what amounts to mid-level-management:

oh, I agree and I have said that too.

I have lost several friends and acquaintances in the past 6 years for reasons I cannot yet make complete sense of.

Know you are not alone in that.

Issues concerning moral/ job satisfaction inside the various branches are on-topic regarding retention, which is something someone should examine before enlisting.

Bravado, " A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery."

you know, I have not seen that so I have no idea what you mean.

My real point is that there are advantages and disadvantages to the various branches. Some are more dangerous than others, but commraderie and morale are a big contributor to job satisfaction that should be examined by anyone contemplating enlisting.

Some might see pride as bravado, I guess. If bravado and pride are a turn-off to someone, then the marines would be an unhappy place, lol.

Certain jobs within the Marines probably have differing levels of "bravado" also. My brother is a pilot, for example, and has a very reserved and solitary demeanor compared to the groundpounders that need to storm a building. Bravado has it's place, and so do cheerleaders.
I would discourage my child from enlisting. I would instead encourage them to get a college degree while working through the ROTC (or apply to an academy) so that after graduation they would go into the service as an officer. I would be very proud to have a child serving our great nation, and doing so in such a way that would provide a better career path than straight-up enlistment.

Rob: Your tag line: accentuate the positive! says it all. You have been very positive this whole thread.

Every man and woman in service to our nation deserves our respect and support. This time around they seem to have it .

In regards to us USMC types: Since I was an artillery officer, I spent the summer before I left for Vietnam at Fort Sill @ FAOBC. In our class we had one platoon of Marine 2nd Lts. Three platoons of Army officers, and a scattering of foreign officers, Jordanian etc.

My primary instructor was a great young USA Major, a math MBA from Bucknell. He was assigned to teach us math challenged Marines the principles of Gunnery. He had a great sense of fun and was a terrific instructor. I finally learned math thanks to him. He told us one time the reason that Marines have an additional man per squad is that we need a fiction writer :)

On Graduation day we all sat in alpha sections so Marines were next to Army officers etc. Right before the ceremony a recording went on with the Marine Corps "Halls of Montezuma". All us Marine 2nd Lt's lept to our feet, standing at attention proudly. Then a large banner, super sized, dropped from the ceiling of the auditorium. It was a take off on the Marine Eagle, Globe, and Anchor-There was a huge black 8 ball, with a sorry buzzard atop, fouled in anchor line.

The auditorium went nuts, a near riot ensued, Until the senior Marine, a Colonel, joined the laughter and brought us all to attention as we congratulated each other.

All the best from the left coast.

Two things: first of all, please don't forget the ubiquitus USAF Special operators (every bit as HooRah as the other branches) and the USMC Det 1/MEU SOC's.
Second: What the heck are you talking about?

The Marines are a part of the Navy, don't forget.
this is far too serious an issue for me to joke

that's precisely why i only listed the Army or Marines

I have often wondered why people join the Army or Marines when instead they could have joined the Coast Guard, Air Force, or Navy?

I think the reason is because daddy or grandpa was in the Army or Marines?

Or else they were in the Scouts, and that is more like the Army or Marines?

In terms of living a safe life with a long career, the Coast Guard, Air Force, or Navy are orders of magnitude above the Army or Marines.

In terms of better treatment and better duty stations, the Coast Guard, Air Force, or Navy are much more palatable than the Army or Marines. In any of these services there will be the hardship of separation from family and home. However overall the conditions are so much better in the Coast Guard, Air Force, or Navy than with the Army or Marines.

Maybe the difference is image?

I have no idea.

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