Work Sucks!!

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I was stationed in Orlando, Florida for a year and a half (boot camp and Navy Nuclear Power School back when the Navy still had a base there). For some reason, it is not for everyone as I can only take it in small doses. I'll settle for having to dive quarries four months out of the year. Wreck season is starting. Of course, I may have to curtail some that this year. As much as I despise my job.... has anyone seen the cost of helium for tri-mix lately. Sheeesh! You would think that they put gold in the tanks.

And for weather, at least they don't name our storms and the storms don't force evacuations!

That's the problem, isn't it. take the mix class for better wreck diving but then you've taken the class and can't afford the wreck diving..... :)

I was in Miami with my wife once and *it* *was* *hot*. hot hot hot hot hot. When we walked out of the airport I got a blast of hot air and turned to my wife and said..... "jesus, we landed in hell.... " :)

Florida might not be perfect but the weather in Holland is only nice for a couple months of the year.....The summers are actually really nice here but it just doesn't last long enough for me.

I spent 6 months in India once and about a month of that was in the south around Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) and i would drop out and move there tomorrow if I could. Last time I was there they didn't have any diveshops and I could really see myself setting up down there. I've also been places in Greece, Turkey and Africa that really turned me on too..... I sometimes feel very envious of people who live in places like that.

That's the problem, isn't it. take the mix class for better wreck diving but then you've taken the class and can't afford the wreck diving..... :)

I was in Miami with my wife once and *it* *was* *hot*. hot hot hot hot hot. When we walked out of the airport I got a blast of hot air and turned to my wife and said..... "jesus, we landed in hell.... " :)

Florida might not be perfect but the weather in Holland is only nice for a couple months of the year.....The summers are actually really nice here but it just doesn't last long enough for me.

I spent 6 months in India once and about a month of that was in the south around Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) and i would drop out and move there tomorrow if I could. Last time I was there they didn't have any diveshops and I could really see myself setting up down there. I've also been places in Greece, Turkey and Africa that really turned me on too..... I sometimes feel very envious of people who live in places like that.


As with anything else, you just get use to it... We freeze just about anywhere else.
i live in the most boring town on the planet. and i have the most boring job I took a month off (march) and dived around Australia :dazzler1: it was glorious, sheer bliss! now im back at work. anyone got a razor blade so i can cut my wrists. waaaaaaaah!
I went to Australia in '99 and dove the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef off of Heron Island. It was the best thing I ever did next to marrying my husband and having my children. When I got back to the "real" world, the trip kind of changed my life. I guess my soul never truly returned from vacation mode because I never wore nylons again! Dress code at work? Sure we were supposed to wear 'em, but oops! Too bad. I just couldn't do it. :wink:

I have 4 more working days before vacation. And I'm running the ragged edge. My client's internal organisation isn't willing (or capable) of clearing some of their tasks and one of the projects is getting caught in a wedge between empire-building, revenge for past hurts, power games buried in an avalance of (non)issues and deflection of responsiblity. Ambition levels are being lowered, the risk profile is growing and the project's EVA looks like a flat line on heart monitor.

What fun.

I've talked to them, worked with them, proposed solutions, discussed content and issues, provided for all of their criteria, cleared all blocking issues but for the life of me no matter how sharply I set the boundaries, no matter how clearly I define the tasks and no matter how short I hold the reins I can't keep the power struggle out of the project :(

I've escalated, pressurized, reorganized, scaled up, scaled out, fired people, called the calvary, pulled tails, breathed fire, shot my silver bullets and screamed "SHAZAM" and *I* *am* *exhausted*. Mentally, physically & emotionally. Nothing I can do now will keep this project from detonating except for people deciding to do their work. No matter how commited I am I just can't do their work for them and that's the only thing that has to happen now.

My client has given his team 20 days to produce a tangible result or the plug gets pulled. I agree. After all I was the one to put pulling the plug on the table, but this time it's really going to happen...... The facilities manager of the MER (main equipment room) where the computers are housed came today with the announcement that the computer room can't house the new infrastructure until December (we need it in June). He's also announced that the required storage on the SAN won't be available until September (we need it in July) and *this* while he knew our requirements since December last year and said nothing, despite multiple probings, until now. What's more, he takes over line management of the team delivering the most resources to the project in May and with this clear signal that he intends to participate in the power game I can't expect him to be open to me claiming his two best people for my project.

We're doomed.

Normally, if asked, I would commit to ramming it down their collective throat but the risk profile of this project is so enormous that ramming it in could land us all in a big stinking ball of For the first time in more than 17 years of working on projects I think I need to flip open my communicator and say "SCOTTY BEAM ME UP".

That would be tomorrow's lunch meeting because that's all the time I have.

A BIG part of me really wants to become an underpaid, overworked scuba instructor right now. There are life-shortening aspects to my work that just suck.

The sign on top says, "Management" and the sign on the bottom says, "Employees." I think this says it all!!!
Well, I really have no sympathy for any of you working folk right now. Since my former employer decided to eliminate my position back in February, I've been looking for a new source of income and am trying to get an IT consulting business started. Sooo... if you need a dive buddy and a Application Architect, then we should talk.

Well, I really have no sympathy for any of you working folk right now. Since my former employer decided to eliminate my position back in February, I've been looking for a new source of income and am trying to get an IT consulting business started. Sooo... if you need a dive buddy and a Application Architect, then we should talk.


See picture posted above! In this case, you got the massive load! Sorry to hear that, and I hope you can find work soon.
And just to think, if your in a position to say, "you know what today is a good day to go diving", I usually bring in a Doctors slip for an appointment :wink: . Right now I find myself at a desk doing alot of planning after all I will retire in two more years at the age of 38 and begin instructing scuba.

Speaking of that the sun is out today, kinda chilly outside. What the heck, you all take care I am going diving. God I love my job!

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