Work Sucks!!

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It's all about choices, we all have the ability to do what we want, at a price (what are you willing to give up). If your unhappy, you have only yourself to blame.

People who never want to change anything about their life and who are happy all the time (is this what you mean?) aren't really normal. Most people like this become mental patients, monks or kindergarten teachers.

The rest of us choose our jobs pragmatically and/or opportunistically and most people's jobs just aren't enough to keep them deliriously content for 40 odd years..... For the vast majority of people there is bound to be a disconnect between ambition (what you want) and aptitude (what you can).

i've told the wifey that one day soon i may say to pitch it all, we're selling everything and moving to Tahiti and are going to live on the beach...afterall it works on Survivor...
Work may suck, but at this point (financially at least), not working would suck even more.

At this stage of my life (48) every fiber of my being and every aspect of my life (except one) is totally ready for retirement. The one thing that is not ready is my bank account.

Calgon, take me away!

The rest of us choose our jobs pragmatically and/or opportunistically and most people's jobs just aren't enough to keep them deliriously content for 40 odd years.....
This is the choice you've made.
Is it me, or do any of you get tired of working while reading about others going diving? It seems that I work way more than I could ever dive. Does it want to make you quit your job and just live the Jimmy Buffet life style. Bumming tanks off dive ops to go diving. Living under a Palm tree. Sounds good to me!!!!!!! :banghead:

Best reason to go to work:

Work = Dive Trips :wink:
Those of you who complain about work should do what I did ... take an involuntary 26-month leave of absense.

In January 2002 the company I was working for got bought out by a larger firm. They retained the top six individuals (those who brokered the buy-out) and laid everyone else off. I was jokingly told I could keep my job if I wanted to take a 75% pay cut and move to India.

Being an over-50 high-tech office slave, and working in the state with the highest unemployment rate in the country made it almost impossible to find work ... hell, I even got turned down for a clerk's job at Home Depot.

I started working again in March of last year ... writing tech manuals for the City of Tacoma's sewage treatment system. Next Tuesday will be my one-year anniversary at the job, and I wake up every morning looking forward to going to work ... even though it cut into my diving time (well, not too much ... I still managed over 300 dives since I started working).

When I was unemployed I went diving almost every day ... but to be honest, after the first couple months it was more for something to do than for the love of diving.

Take my word for it ... if you want to develop an appreciation for going to work every day, try unemployment for a few months. It'll surely change your perspective ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I mostly like my work, though I've been working so much overtime in the last 8 months that I've had very few opportunities to dive. It's on purpose, though ~ hopefully I will have enough cash saved up to put a roof on my new house, close it in and get electricity to the place! As long as it's closed in and insulated, I can heat it. For that I will gladly sacrifice dive days to work those 36, 48, 72 and 94 hour shifts :11:
:hanged: Every two years we go to my father in laws in maui. This is our year to go. just about 2 years ago we bought a towing company. The job is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The harsher the weather, the more work there is to do.When the temp hit -35f, all i could think about was our upcoming vacation. About 2 months ago, our secretary started getting a huge attitude, and i explained to her that she needed to,"be quiet, and do her job" I thought i was just bieng a good boss. She explained that she would never do anything extra for us, EVER!!! Now we have no-one to answer the phones at night when we were on vacation. So i told my wife to book the trip without me. I'm so sad i can't go, I really need a vacation. The only saving grace is, next week there is an ice diving certification course, and i'm taking it. What a trade, tropical vacation, for an ice diving certification. I love having my own company, but there is some very tough trade offs!!
chris hecker:
:hanged: Every two years we go to my father in laws in maui. This is our year to go. just about 2 years ago we bought a towing company. The job is 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The harsher the weather, the more work there is to do.When the temp hit -35f, all i could think about was our upcoming vacation. About 2 months ago, our secretary started getting a huge attitude, and i explained to her that she needed to,"be quiet, and do her job" I thought i was just bieng a good boss. She explained that she would never do anything extra for us, EVER!!! Now we have no-one to answer the phones at night when we were on vacation. So i told my wife to book the trip without me. I'm so sad i can't go, I really need a vacation. The only saving grace is, next week there is an ice diving certification course, and i'm taking it. What a trade, tropical vacation, for an ice diving certification. I love having my own company, but there is some very tough trade offs!!

Sounds to me like you need a new secretary ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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