There was a thread like this a few years ago, and as I recall, here is how it ended. A couple of the males posted about the kind of exercise, especially weight training, they did regularly to make sure they had the strength and conditioning needed to handle heavy scuba gear. Those posts were something of a revelation to one of the female posters, who described her realization that if the supposedly stronger men felt they needed to do that kind of work in order to handle scuba gear effectively, maybe she should start doing the same kind of workouts herself. Whether you are a male or a female, if you have a job or a hobby that calls for you to handle anything heavy, it makes sense to do what it takes to prepare yourself for that work. I certainly do, and there is plenty of testimony in this thread to the many women divers who are perfectly capable of handling heavy weights to show that there is nothing stopping a woman from being able to do it as well.