It's a bit of a hump down to the water. There are 2 picnic tables under a pavillion so if you get there early you can claim that area. Otherwise, most people gear up in the parking lot and walk it down. From your car (depending on your parking spot) it's maybe 70 feet to the stairs (you can take a ramp or a rough stone short-cut down the hill) to the top of the stairs. There are about 20 steps I guess. These numbers are guesses off the top of my head - if anyone wants to go measure it, be my guest! Anyway, it's a little bit of a trip to get to the water but not really bad. The steps are much worse on the way up, of course.
Anyway, another thing about Mansfield is that it is a more advanced dive. Most of the stuff to see is 50'+ and there's not a lot of anything in the shallows except dead twiggy brush and rocks. Oh, and a toilet, a teeny skiff, and an unnamed square object in the 20-30 range. I have found some nasty cable in Mansfield. And I must disagree with Pvillestang- I think viz at WP is much better on an average day IF you swim away from the OW classes. Less fishes at Mansfield, too.
If you're looking for something more challenging, though, Mansfield is the place you want to be. IMO If you want to be social, watch fishies, or take students, then you should stick with WP. Both great dive spots just depends on what you need.
Hopefully someone will chime in with pics.
Happy diving!