Meh ... too much heat in here. New to the ScubaBoard but not new to boards in general. This seems like most others with people getting worked on a few non-insulting statements made on the fly.
I live close to 620 & 2222 and I'm new to diving. Seems ta me that a short drive so I can be around other divers while I'm out there is a plus. As I dive more often and get to know more people then more options will present I'm sure. Having a 19' bass boat will prolly not hurt that process any.
So anyway y'all stop squablin and enjoy what were here forand smile cuz your deity of choice loves you. Probably.
BTW ... HELLO!! to all the other Austin divers.
Welcome, glad to have you in our dive group. For those of us that have spent thousands of dollars at Windy Point Private over the years to support the local dive site was based on the economic factor of the past with no amenities. No heat here, just looking for local alternatives to the old watering hole that has gone pricey.
Can you dive off that bass boat? A lot to see on the lake from a boat that sounds like a great opportunity.

See you diving soon, we are heading up North (I am taking vacation) to attend a Texas Swamp divers get together outside Terrell Texas Known as Clear Springs Scuba Park June 21 and 22nd if you can make it you are welcome to join all of us. It is listed as a poll right now titled "Fling".
Feel free to email me at for a lot more details.