Windows Vista YIKES!!!

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My computer died last summer. It took 4 months to replace all of the components that were destroyed when my power supply blew up. When I finally got it all done, I bought a new copy of XP, because I am tired of calling India to complain that they think I have a pirated copy when I try to load my old copy on the new system, which is the same system, just with half the components replaced. When I got it al linstalled, I ralized it didn't even come with something to watch a dvd with. "no codecs" was the message I got, the help software led me to a page where I could buy the codecs for $15. At that moment, I decided I would never buy anything microsoft again. For the lowsy cost of $15, Windows earned my eternal hatred. It turns out, I got a Macbook to take to college with me, but if I hadn't have gotten that, I would have built a barebones laptop and run Linux on it. Any company that cannot include the stuff to play a dvd with a $200 OS will not get my business.

As far as Vista goes....well, I watched this funny video that pointed out all the differences between Mac OS X and Vista.....from watching that, I gathered that Vista basically catches up, as far as GUI and little things are concinered (like gadgets.....OS X has Widgets, Vista's got the same thing, gadgets) to Mac's OLD operating system. That made me laugh.
I've had vista for about 2months now and am very happy with it. I spent the money to get a high powered dell laptop and the speed and organizational abilities in vista are great.

Love the product. Also just got PS CS3 and am amazed at how fast it runs on my new vista laptop.

I have been using Vista in my new laptop and no problems at all
Jim Ernest:
You have had no problems at all???


Hm. This response is rather ambiguous. Just to clarify, you had NO problems at all???????? :D
Rule of thumb I've followed for many years with Microsoft products- Never load any new Mic product until service pack 2 is out.

I've heard all the horror stories from my colleagues in the IT business and so far that rule has served me and my users VERY well.

I know this sounds like a smart***** remark and bash of their products- it's not, they just need a couple of sets of patches before they're ready for prime time.
It's no big secret that vista is a rip off of mac os:

Vista is notorious for shaming itself in live microsoft demonstrations. There's a funny video of a failed demonstration of it's voice recognition. Also I've seen one where it crashes while Bill Gates himself was demonstrating something. LOL
Jim Ernst:
I just bought a new computer as my old one was well........ Getting old!!

The new computer I love but the operating system WINDOWS VISTA..... I hate it!!

Well... Most of it anyway, It has some good to it but it keeps doing bad things all on it's own and has even reformated my hard drive back too factory settings without my permision!! I lost a lot of stuff due to this error!!

Windows Vista is very full of bad bugs!!!!:shakehead

Anyone else had this experience???????

New laptop with vista business.. been running it now for about 2 months.. rock stable..
Only 1 program so far that wouldnt run (actually wouldnt install) on vista.. Its an engineering piece of software... but it runs fine in a virtual pc session..

someone mentioned a problem occasionally with USB.. microsoft issued a patch (check the knowlegde base) that fixes this probelm with certain usb devices..

The biggest pont to be aware of with vista is that certain directories will be virtualized.. after a program is installed any attempted write to folders within the program files directory will be put into the individual users "virtual store" unless the properties for that folder are changed to allow everyone to write to it..
Also I've seen one where it crashes while Bill Gates himself was demonstrating something. LOL

If it's the one I'm thinking of, that wasn't Vista but rather Windows 98. Gates was demonstrating the supposedly plug and play capabilities of the then-new USB technology, resulting in the Blue Screen of Death. I wonder who at Microsoft lost their jobs over that one :11:

I used to be a die hard Mac user, but I got tired of not being able to run the same app's as my IBM PC friends. I also got tired of paying more for computers, peripherals, and software (when available) than they did. When my department switched to PC's from Mac's, that's when I switched too. Haven't looked back since.

Now, the only Apple product I own is an iPod.

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