why women don't dive?

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On a recent trip i went on in the BVIs, there were 7 girls, and 6 guys, on the boat.
I have been fortunate to have a number of female divers as regular buddies. All but one are involved in steady relationships or are married, and their SO's don't dive. Now I just have to find one that is single!

Hey i am a 13 yr old female diver! i have learned that for a person to dive they have to want to. i have tried to get so many people to try diving but none of them really want to! do guys that dive like women who dive better then women who dont?

Hi jrdivagrl, I think you're very cool for learning to dive so young, just like my 11 yr old granddaughter!! We just got certified a week or so ago with her grandpa, it's awesome and we cant wait to go down to florida and do some real diving!! We're doing a cruise in Nov and will dive then, and then we're doing Dive Quest at The Living Seas at Epcot for fun.

You go girl!!!!!

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this is certainly a good start. who knows whether that holds true for women worldwide, the way cultural attitudes vary from country to country? ......

Ciao Marco,

I'm diving, my husband doesn't. And I started after we married... I got my regulator as a gift for our 2nd anniversary, and since he knew nothing, guy at Scubapro shop sold him the most expensive (and excellent) one. So much about Mediterranean Macho-Guys stereotypes.

It's not too heavy to carry my gear around (although it seems there is always at least one nice Italian guy around prepared to help me with my tanks) and it's not too expensive (unless you are spending on Prada at same time).

But you have the point... there are not so many girls diving in Adriatic.
Why? I have no idea, but my friends look surprise to see me each time after diving trip. They are convinced that one day I will not immerse. Most people I know think of diving as something exotic and still an extreme sport.

Hope to see you in Istria (more Italians then Croatians diving there). And, of course, bring girls along (-:
I'd like to come to Istria but we all must transfer our passion to scuba babes :D

Guess it just depends on who you are hanging out with! (-;

I think there are a higher percentage of female divers in the tropical warm water areas though.

Although seems the women here piping in are the exception!

Women do not have the muscle mass that men do and we do get cold faster. When I started out - that pacific water was cold. I knew I needed to buy a drysuit ASAP!

The gear is heavy especially if you are doing tech diving, and if the water is cold and rough a lot of women don't want to be bothered. It takes a special kind of female to push on through it.

Here in SEA, most diving is 50/50, mainly because it is mostly couples that dive together, or share the child-care/free-time equally - eg Saturday is his dive day, Sunday is her dive day.
Also child-care is a lot easier to organise, so there is always someone around to look after the children whilst you enjoy your hobbies.
I have to admit, on the holiday trips I have made the groups that always make me laugh are the Italians - really, I know it's stereotyping, but the women are all dressed in Prada and looking pouty, the men strutting around like pea-cocks, none of them being particularly competent. Both genders spend most of the time sunbathing rather than diving, and the women never went on the early morning dives. The women acted like princesses the whole time. So often the couples broke into gender groups with the guys diving, and the women smoking drinking and sunbathing. And sorry if I offend anyone, but the small groups of Italian divers that I have encountered here in the tropics dive like they drive - I have learnt to avoid their scrums because my mask & reg have been knocked out accidentally a few too many times.
Other nationalities the couples dived together or relaxed together.

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