Why the small tanks?

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The head banging thingy. No, the AL 80 interfering with kicking is an annoyance far less than it will not mount high enough for trim for me.
Amazing to how ineffective a kick is for forward movement when the force is directed upward. J And yes I do see and hear of equally small persons fine with an AL 80. I am short, perhaps have a short neck as well. I dunno, one way or another I am different than your stock run of the mill diver.

I have not dove with an AL 63 however, my bitty little Al 50 I found wonderful balance and far more manageable. J I did get to dive a 100, geesh! Lasted forever but most impressive for me; I was able to get myself back out. Ever see a smallish whale beached and floundering on a narrow ledge?
Anyhoo I like Shaka Doug approach of willing, let alone able, to match people to tanks. Smart business man.
The true art of being a DM or instructor is to learn enough about your divers regarding experience, physical condition, size etc so that you can fit them with the best tank size for them. If you do it right, everyone will have a good dive and end up surfacing with the same amount of air remaining regardless of tank size.
I also agree with the concept that where we can instruct divers with tricks and methods to improve air consumption, we should...tactfully.
Sometimes a self proclaimed "hoover" is only a hoover because of swimming techniques or breathing patterns...something easily overcome with proper guidance.
Most "hoovers" are welcome to the ideas that help them become better divers.
If I have a self proclaimed hoover, I will ask if they would like advice on changing that, then I will explain about the 2 to 1 breathing ratio, not swimming with arms and using the time during the decent to relax themselves.
Of course there are always exceptions to the rule.

But I think that any shop that forces small tanks on people for the sake of controlling dive times will end up with more dis-satisfied divers.
Well, let's see

Small tank = shorter dive : therefore : shorter dive = less time dive boat spends at dive site :
therefore : dive boat returns to dock sooner : therefore : dive boat can run another trip sooner : therefore : dive op can run more trips in one day : therefore : dive op makes more money : therefore : diver gets screwed.

One of the many reasons I hate cattle boats and prefer to charter a 6 pack whenever I can.

the K

well lets see.
1. i dont know of any dive ops (on oahu)that run more than two dive trips aday unless its a night dive. so please enlighten me.

2. I dont know of any dive ops on oahu that only issue 63s and 50s. again im confused as to which dive op does this. can i get a name?

3.Cattle barge? now im really confused. what does a cattle barge have to do with diving? personally i dont know of any charter boats on oahu that treat its customers like cattle. if you know of one why dont you share that info with me.which brings me to another point. why would you book on a cattle barge ever if you feel so strongly on the issue? now i aint all that bright but it would seem to me that you would be setting yourself up for a bummer of a day. personally i am amazed at some of the trashing i see in here and i wonder if the boat owner knew how you felt about his op if you would be welcome to set foot on his boat again.

and you being the stand up guy that you are im sure the next time you are on that cattle barge you will do the MANLY thing and inform the capt./owner how you feel about his cattle barge. right .

ok i understand now .. lol you really are diving off a cattle barge didnt realize it til i saw where you were from. so sorry i completely understand now.
now if you will excuse me i have important stuff to like make my prediction on how high the gas prices will get this season.

Now that I am able to see what the original post was IN CONTEXT, I am changing my post to say the following:

Yeah, what Rick said after me! ;)

I also will not dive with an OP that would try to outfit me with a smaller than an 80 tank or that would enforce a dive plan or dive limit on me. Outfitting any paying diver with anything smaller than an 80 unless asked to, is robbery IMO. This is, unless there is a good reason that the diver may not be aware of.
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I don't think the K was picking on anyone, or even any place specifically. Just generalizing about the norm in many dive vacation destinations. I gotta agree that I also do not enjoy small tanks, short dives and crowded boats.

Also, if the K posted anything that offended me or hurt my feelings, I think I would PM him directly. Seems like the manly thing to do. ;)
when making a general statement like that on a board like this you can effect other peoples business potental customers will assume it happened here since this is the ohana section.things are bad enough here without any help. So if someone offends me in any way publicly why should i respond privately the point was to address the fact that if it happened here then say who what when and where. so that people will not assume that its something they can expect to happen here. the thread is in the Ohana section. is it not? so that would imply that its something that happens here. well i have no problem with him generalizing. but thats not the norm here on Oahu and i have no intentions of just letting it sit out there for people to see, as if it were the norm here. I guess some people have a hard time seeing the bottom line. dive ops provide a service if you dont like the service then you are free to let it be known that a particular dive op provides service that was not pleasent.
or maybe i should go to the georgia forum and make a simaliar post.if i did i would think that folks there would want to know the who what when and wheres of that experience.

common sense...oh im sorry do i expect too much?

and for the record it has nothing to do with hurting me or my delicate sensiblities (lol oh my bad i dont have delicate sensiblities ) it simply was a very misleading post that left too much room for assumption. i hope his post is not an reflection of his dive habits.
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ok that explains everything "Kris b" my apologies to all i went back to the beginning to make sure i didnt miss anything and sure enough i found it.the local hawaiian that calls himself haole. look at some of his post then take two asprin an hope it all goes away. "IF" a dive op is consistently handing their customers 63 s and 50s it must be happinging on maui. cause according to chris b the diving on oahu is rather lame. and he is on maui not oahu which he is so proud to remind everyone here. the only time 63s come out is for the tiny people. or when a dive op for some reason has a tank shortage issue. which happens at times but its not an everyday thing. sometimes im amazed at how some of the people that come over from japan can handle the 80s but they do its just a sellect few that need the smaller tanks. i cant count how many times mike made kirsten matt myself or young mikie use the 63 so the customer could use an 80 which is no big deal for us cause we are all good on air. so next time you get a chance chirs why dont you tell all of us which dive op on oahu is handing out these small tanks and herding people in and out of the water .please share that info with us....how would he know what goes on here in his own words he admits to only haven been here a couple times.

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