Why no weight pockets with doubles?

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Or at least a dual bladder wing.


Or a lift bag or what did Angelo post a plastic shopping bag? Anything to give ya a little boost up to get started.
I like the lift bag it's cheaper than dual bladders, can be carried rollup, deployed easily, and it can be vented allowing a diver to make a controlled ascent. Or maybe a lift bag is to complicated for some? Is there a lift bag deployment class / cert? Probably should be part of the dry suit class. :wink:
just the way it is used in the industry. It's the intention of release, not the ability to release. Either way, I can't stand weight pockets, and if I have to bring lead with me, I wear a weight belt.

I don't like lead in general but with cold water diving it's a fact of life. The weight pockets you don't like are they the ones with there own special weights, integrated they're called? I don't like those either. I use small weight pockets that accept lead weights either blocks or soft weight up to 5lbs each. I wear 2 that are book screwed to my harness belt. This gives me the ability to remove and dump a small amount of weight instead of all the weight on my belt.

Happily aside from the drills I did when I started using the pockets I've only dumped lead once, after I fell into the water without a tank or fins and sunk to 15'. I couldn't get that belt off fast enough! Then I had to endure the ribbing after my buddy retrieved my belt. :)
I did never understand (or accept for my self) the rigidity and standardization of equipment predicated by DIR.
Their approach was carefully tuned for a very specific environment and type of operation.
It is already debatable that their technical choices are the best in that context, definitely they are not in completely different environments...

The entire concept of standardization is often misunderstood.

First, one of the biggest advantages is that two people who never met already know their equipment and can easily help each other in case of problems, both out and in water. This is an enormous advantage for "big expedition" projects, like the ones that GUE divers organize every year. I can say that this turned out to be very nice even in case of more simple dives.

Also, there are "DIR" divers diving very far from the standards when a specific environment requires it. For instance, some of them dive no-mounts in caves where such configuration is required.

Lastly, I would be very surprised to see any "DIR" diver criticizing another diver for details such as weight pockets, especially in the context of recreational diving.

On my (short) experience, while it is true that on certain things "DIR" divers are rigid (for instance, choice of gas and depth range), on many others they are not... it is more a legend than a reality.

P.S. @Angelo Farina, it is very pleasant to read all your stories about the style of diving of '60, '70 and '80... I was wondering whether you know any book about the history of scuba diving in Europe, or in general. Thanks!
The question is: why somehow nobody seems to use weight pockets with doubles, and instead non-ditchable weights dominate?

Ditchable weights are not part of the DIR philosophy of diving a balanced rig
In addition, the weight pockets are taking up prime real estate where things need to go, i.e. canister light on the right, stage bottles and SPG on the left

You will ultimately end up with multiple plates, tanks, and misc gear. Forever matching your setup to the environments you dive in.

I do have a SS plate with pockets that I use in several scenarios. I did luck out a bit with the brand. The left pocket has a D ring on it, happens to be right where the D ring normally would be. The pocket on the right does take up some real estate, but luckily my canister is small and light so it's manageable.
I do use that plate in a few scenarios:
- recreational diving, either single or (often smaller) doubles
- figuring out what my weight should be after making gear changes (really easy to add / remove some weight on the fly)
- while travelling somewhere new(similar to point above)

Although I love the flexibility and comfort of it, I do agree with the points mentioned above. As soon as I am dialed in and my rig is balanced again,on dives where loosing weights is too much of a risk, I will use either a SS or alu plate, with the weights "permanently" attached.
Making statements like that the only way to safely dive heavy steel doubles is with a dry suit is IMO inappropriate.

In other words, your way is the right way and that's that, Gotcha! That's just plain stupid too.
In other words, your way is the right way and that's that, Gotcha! That's just plain stupid too.

No, didn't post that at all in fact I posted just the reverse. Stating the only way to dive steel doubles is with a dry suit is in fact my way is the only way dogma. (Dogma that I am very tired of reading by way as it's just stupid.)

Anything to give ya a little boost up to get started. A statement from one of my posts. Does the word anything sound limiting to you?

I've posted 2 other safe alternatives to using a dry suit with doubles, to repeat just for you a dual bladder BC or a lift bag. We'll count'em together, 1, a dry suit, 2. a lift bag, and 3. a dual bladder BC. There that's 3 safe options a diver has to dive steel doubles. Instead of only the one you advocate, the dry suit.

You evidently have a little trouble comprehending such a concept.

I checked your profile. You've only been diving for 5 years!! LOL! Why am I even wasting my time with you?! Safe diving seeker242!
No, didn't post that at all in fact I posted just the reverse. Stating the only way to dive steel doubles is with a dry suit is in fact my way is the only way dogma. (Dogma that I am very tired of reading by way as it's just stupid.)

Anything to give ya a little boost up to get started. A statement from one of my posts. Does the word anything sound limiting to you?

I've posted 2 other safe alternatives to using a dry suit with doubles, to repeat just for you a dual bladder BC or a lift bag. We'll count'em together, 1, a dry suit, 2. a lift bag, and 3. a dual bladder BC. There that's 3 safe options a diver has to dive steel doubles. Instead of only the one you advocate, the dry suit.

You evidently have a little trouble comprehending such a concept.

I checked your profile. You've only been diving for 5 years!! LOL! Why am I even wasting my time with you?! Safe diving seeker242!
Joy, more insinuation that your number of years diving somehow justifies the logical fallacies present in your posting.

Do you dive with both inflators connected? If you’re in a set of, say, full 104/108/112/119/133/120 at depth with a compressed wetsuit, do you honestly believe you could shoot a bag or connect the second pressurized inflator before hitting the bottom if your wing suffered a catastrophic failure (say elbow removing itself from the wing)? When was the last time you practiced either?

You continue to use the word “safe,” and pretend your statements are universally practicable, but a significant number of people would die trying either of the above over a wall/bottom below MOD. But hey, maybe those so many years of not having died make you immune to such practices.

If you’re diving with both connected, you’re encouraged not to reply. That’s a real nice way to kill yourself.

Edit: typo no to not
Joy, more insinuation that your number of years diving somehow justifies the logical fallacies present in your posting.

Do you dive with both inflators connected? If you’re in a set of, say, full 104/108/112/119/133/120 at depth with a compressed wetsuit, do you honestly believe you could shoot a bag or connect the second pressurized inflator before hitting the bottom if your wing suffered a catastrophic failure (say elbow removing itself from the wing)? When was the last time you practiced either?

You continue to use the word “safe,” and pretend your statements are universally practicable, but a significant number of people would die trying either of the above over a wall/bottom below MOD. But hey, maybe those so many years of not having died make you immune to such practices.

If you’re diving with both connected, you’re encouraged no to reply. That’s a real nice way to kill yourself.

Do I believe I can deploy a lift bag that fast? No of course not. Why even mention it? Do you think I limit myself to only one way of doing things? I'm big on options and multiple ways to do the same thing. Being a mostly solo diver I have no other choice. I don't have the luxury of turning to a another diver for help, I'm the other diver I need options.

So that's where ditchable weight comes in. I can release the weight(s) in my pockets pretty quickly and change my buoyancy. If that fails which is unlikely, there is the weight belt yet to be released, as a last resort.

The drills I've done over years have satisfied me of my safety and that's all that matters to me, not what someone else thinks or believes.

I dive with old school LP steel 50 doubles, steel 72 doubles, and steel 96 doubles(rarely) and do not own a dual bladder BC so I only have 1 inflator connected.
No, didn't post that at all in fact I posted just the reverse.

Yes, that's exactly what you posted. You said people who don't dive your way are Fud up, which is just plain stupid. You evidently have a little trouble comprehending such a concept.

I checked your profile. You've only been diving for 5 years!! LOL!

I checked your profile. Are you sure you're not suffering from Alzheimer's? LOL!!
Yes, that's exactly what you posted. You said people who don't dive your way are Fud up, which is just plain stupid. You evidently have a little trouble comprehending such a concept.

I checked your profile. Are you sure you're not suffering from Alzheimer's? LOL!!

You should quote that post of mine sonny, where I say my way is only way so you don't appear to be a lair, very unbecoming.

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