The stacked plate idea sounds clever
In Seattle people forge and affix flat lead pucks to their steel plates in various spots with much success. Just include a thin corrosion barrier in between
If you ever imagine dismounting your rig underwater, might want to keep wearing some weight belt or harness on the body.
Practiced that recently to un-don the gear and feather a very leaky valve stem on a single tank dive in the tropics. A 4 kg weight belt kept the drysuit relatively neutral--but only in polypro liners
Felt so nice it might continue #NoMount
In Seattle people forge and affix flat lead pucks to their steel plates in various spots with much success. Just include a thin corrosion barrier in between
If you ever imagine dismounting your rig underwater, might want to keep wearing some weight belt or harness on the body.
Practiced that recently to un-don the gear and feather a very leaky valve stem on a single tank dive in the tropics. A 4 kg weight belt kept the drysuit relatively neutral--but only in polypro liners