Why is DIR controversial?

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Daryl Morse:
Some of my buddies who have dived for years and dive regularly in doubles occasionally also dive solo. I have no issues with them diving solo. But WRT you, I stand by what I said and make no apologies for it. If you don't like it or don't agree, I guess that's too bad. Good luck.

I respect that statement.
Regarding the comment about DIR divers being focused on the mechanics of the dive, and not on the diving . . .

Right after you get your provisional in Fundies, you get very mechanics-focused. You've just had your nose rubbed in what you can't do, and for a while, it's pretty easy and desirable to spend your time underwater trying to fix the problems. What's really important, in MY personal opinion, is to get past that. Eventually, you have to remember why you went underwater in the first place (if you know) or what you first found there that was joyous enough to keep doing it.

The DIR divers I dive with love the life in Puget Sound, and are as excited as you could ask for when they find a big octopus, or an unusual nudibranch. I guess the difference may be that, on the dives where you don't find much of anything except seal-generated silt, we can amuse ourselves doing S-drills and critiquing one another's trim :)
GUE training, really, isn't all that different from the other 'reputable' technical training available and really could stand to 'fit in' a little more. IE, do you differeniate between and IANTD advanced trimix diver and a TDI advanced trimix diver like you do between the GUE tec 3 (or appropriate) and the IANTD/TDI/NAUI advanced trimix diver? (at least on the internet)

Are you kidding me? Over the years I've seen and dove with many divers from the 'other' reputable technical training agencies and I've dove with GUE trained divers. I've been trained by the 'other' reputable agencies. Hell, I even used to teach for one of those reputable agencies. I've also been trained by GUE and I can tell you without a doubt, that except for some NAUI guys, there is a huge difference between GUE training and all the rest.

As far as GUE 'fitting in" - anybody suggests they should, doesn't get it. GUE doesn't want to fit in. JJ has said it over and over and over. GUE does not want to be like the rest. It was brought in to be different and if people want GUE training and go the DIR route then that's great. If some people don't then it's no skin off of JJ's nose or mine. There's rule #1 to cover those people and it's been working great for me for the past 10 years.
Right after you get your provisional in Fundies, you get very mechanics-focused. You've just had your nose rubbed in what you can't do, and for a while, it's pretty easy and desirable to spend your time underwater trying to fix the problems. What's really important, in MY personal opinion, is to get past that. Eventually, you have to remember why you went underwater in the first place (if you know) or what you first found there that was joyous enough to keep doing it.
I do love being underwater. Just being there is wonderful for me. As has been stated, there really isn't much in a quarry. You are lucky to live near such wonderful diving. So it's sort of like diving in a field out back of the abandoned warehouse or school. You find stuff to amuse you.

But, all that said, ever since I was a kid I liked playing with my friends. It wasn't because of where we were playing, but that we were playing. I get that same kick out of being underwater and working on skills with my friends. For me it's like playing. C'mon, you can't say that you don't get a good giggle out of waiting for the perfect time to get someone with an OOG drill. You know, they're writing in their wetnotes or fiddling with something. That's good, fun stuff right there :)

Everyone seems to think that you have to only enjoy the surroundings underwater. It's like being outside and the only thing you can do is look around at your environment. Why is that? Why can't I just play with my friends?

you mean me, don't yoU!??!?
How could you even think this for a second???
i was backing up your previous post:
i think the problem is not with the DIR people but with the non-DIR people who feel insecure when someone tells them they have a better way to do something
(...) most insecure non-DIR people freak out and defend their practices so that they don't feel they are inadequate divers. most secure non-DIR people take it in stride; it doesn't threaten their egos.

there is a very small minority of divers who have just discovered DIR and who use it to feel superior to other non-DIR divers who create a very distorted image of what DIR divers are

so, on either side, it's the insecure people who must at all times feel superior to others that cause the problem
But instead of being PC I used the proper name - replacing "insecure" with jerk.

BTW can somebody explain me what is wrong with elitist approach? We ain't equall and not everything must be for everybody. 50 years of communizm in Eastern Europe shown that it's not possible.

BTW can somebody explain me what is wrong with elitist approach? We ain't equall and not everything must be for everybody. 50 years of communizm in Eastern Europe shown that it's not possible.

there's this myth in America that we are all equal

now, we are all CREATED equal, but that's not the same thing
Well, it will be off topic but we were not even created equal. God made some of us more clever and some of us less clever. Some are blondes and some are dark. Some can sing (and it's a God's finger in it), some can't (I can't). And so on...."From the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" Luke 12,48.

So why deny elitism?
Since when America became a communistic country?
Being equal is the communistic way of thinking....

Why can't I just play with my friends?

Of course you can, and I misspoke, actually. You'll catch me doing skills dives, and you'll see me surface with a grin from ear to ear because I just spent a half hour laying and following line. I know about playing with my friends.

I guess what I really meant was that it's important not to lose the JOY of diving. I've seen people get so focused on skills and drills that they lose their sense of humor, and whatever fun they are having is a kind of fun I sure don't understand. My very dear dive buddy almost went that route, and I was worried about him for a while.
Well, it will be off topic but we were not even created equal. God made some of us more clever and some of us less clever. Some are blondes and some are dark. Some can sing (and it's a God's finger in it), some can't (I can't). And so on...."From the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" Luke 12,48.

So why deny elitism?
Since when America became a communistic country?
Being equal is the communistic way of thinking....

Since July 04, 1776 ...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ...

... of course, they neglected to point out that all women are created superior ... ;)

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
For some people, isn't the part of diving they like the most the skills and working in a team environment? I've seen some divers who have loads of fun doing that. Seriously, in Mexico diving with some DIR guys, they really loved doing the training and would do a couple dives a week just to practice.

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