catherine96821:You aren't up for an argument?
I thought it was a friendly debate.
You have a boulder on your shoulder.
Did I change anything critical? s-o-r-ry.
I have no bad feelings towards you Bob. I do think you can be a big baby at times.
yea, that's right...I think the "ignore" button is for weenies.
I have never even known anybody that uses the ignore button. But, I guess you will report me for saying that.
Catherine: You just forgot to know who is the "Instructor" and who is "Mr. Cool" It will all work out with or w/o the "ignore" button. IMHO we are always solo diving on the surface and in the water. It may be nice to think, and talk and talk and talk about the "team" and "trim" etc. In the end we are on our own. Better to be aware.