Originally posted by buff
First the name-Doing It Right. How can you expect a community with strong, rugged individuals to adopt a system that inherintly says "You're Doing It Wrong". Not the method to use to teach anybody let alone a group of experienced divers.
I shy away from any "one system". I find that technical knowledge inferior to knowledge of principles and laws that govern the situation. From some of the questions posed on this board and others I gather that many divers would do better to review and truly understand the elements of physics and physiology that govern this sport instead of worrying about where to put their dive knife.
The application of a diving system that works in Florida is not all relevent to one that works in cold water-or wreck diving - or altitude diving. The right tool for the right job and that implies that there is no one universal setup.
I disdain any group that feeds its ego by using the term "science" to justify its actions. Those divers in Florida are just recreational divers who have a system that works well for their environment. They are NOT scientists and the work they do is not of a scientific nature. They are recreational explorers who have developed a diving setup that works well for deep warm water cave penetrations and now are marketing it.
With all due respect to "buff", this diatribe is what I am talking about. He obviously has ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of the work being done in Florida nor the DIR philosophy. And like many others is hung up on a damn name.
20,000' penetration at an average depth of 300' is recreational?
Science?? Scientists hook machines up to some of these folks to try and figure out how they get out of the water so quickly and safely!. Send an email to Tim O'Leary director of NAUI's Technical Operations and ask him his opinion of the DIR philosophy. And just for the record, DIR is a PHILOSOPHY which includes configuration, attitude, training and fitness - a MINDSET. Not just where to place a knife. Wake up, dude.