Why do we hate the Air2?

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I respect your tenacity and your enthusiasm but I see that the DIR folks are turning into a self righteous cult that is putting down anything and anyone who doesn't conform to their dogma. Statements like "I like/love to dive with DIR only types" (or something close) just overflows with contempt and snobbishness towards the "other" folks.
Dude, you just freak'n joined the board ... slow down and get to know people a little bit before you go insulting one of the most respected people in the history of ScubaBoard. Lynne dives with way more non-DIR people than DIR ... she's a PADI DM for godsakes! Maybe before you start tossing terms like "dogma" around, you should find out how many new divers ... the vast majority of whom will NEVER be DIR ... Lynne has helped. ScubaBoard's a great place to start ... she earned her respect here with a year's-long history of helpfulness, regardless of what agency or equipment people were using.

That she enjoys diving with people who have shared similar training with her means ... what? Are you telling me you don't prefer the company of people who think like you? I doubt that very much ... most humans do.

I can't ever think that I'd say I only want to dive with a NAUI or BSAC only divers. I have been diving long enough (40 years) and made thousands of dives and used all types of gear that I just get really bored with these superiority fantasies.
... then you should quit projecting them!

I was diving today with people from all types of agencies (around 20). I had lots of fun with them. I also used my AirII for a while U/W at around 80ft. I was able to breath from it, inflate/deflate the BC, maintain proper buoyancy and make an ascent while sharing air with my new buddy who was using my primary SS no problem. The AirII doesn't breath like my top of the line SS but it breaths like my middle of the road sherwood SS.
Bully for you ... and doesn't that summarize exactly what this thread's really all about ... someone feeling like they have to defend their equipment choices?

You don't ... really ... nobody cares what gear you use. If I should choose to dive with you, all I really care about is whether or not you know how to use it properly.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Trainwreck threads like this are why I just can't stay away from scubaboard.
It's become a sick addiction for me.

Bottom line, if someone is that bad of a diver that they can't figure out how to deal with any of this stuff mentioned in this thread they shouldn't be diving.
The zombie posts had me laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.

What happened to the basic hand signal they teach you in PADI OW that if you're out of air you're supposed to signal your buddy with a flat horizontal hand motion side to side in front of your throat.
Did they do away with that in the new padi classes and just go to mugging another diver for their air?

And where does it say that a DIR diver or any diver has to dive with anybody they don't like. Has diving gotten so PC now that everybody has to dive with everybody no matter what?
So what if some DIR divers will only dive with other DIR divers, I can't blame them.

I'm so glad I'm out of the loop and solo dive. If there are other divers on the beach I find out which way they're going so I can go in the opposite direction.

Some of you might have read one of my reports about an incident with a new diver that talked a big game.
After I survived that my buddy pool went down about 50% instantly.
Now I just dive alone with my one very well maintained and fine operating single second stage. No air2, no long hose, no octo.
Trainwreck threads like this are why I just can't stay away from scubaboard.
It's become a sick addiction for me.

You to huh? I wonder if there is a support group for us out there.
You to huh? I wonder if there is a support group for us out there.

... this IS the support group ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Team A diver decides his buddies will obviously help him if he can get clear, so he unclips the waste band, and slips out of the harness in 3 seconds, and makes a beeline to his buddies--who are each offering the long hose, and keeping their distance from the zombie.
I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the DIR gear configuration, but apparently not. What does this "waste band" clip on to, and is it in any way analogous to a P-valve?
I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the DIR gear configuration, but apparently not. What does this "waste band" clip on to, and is it in any way analogous to a P-valve?

... it's a Warhammer thing ... you wouldn't understand ... :rofl3:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Look out Dan!!!!!!!! He's going for your primary!!!!
Wow, I am really in trouble. I have been watching the board for a while and have been tempted to post on a few threads. I haven't dove for about fifteen years and am only getting back into it at the request of my 10 year old. He and his 12 year old brother are seriously looking forward to scuba certification the younger wanting to be a marine biologist. I bought some gear off craigs list to update my equipment. A full setup, wetsuit, boots, hood, gloves still in bags. tusa platina bc with duo air (air2) oasis reg , apollo biofins, pro plus 2.1 computer, titanium knife, tank, mask absolute snorkel. all 5 months old with 2 dives for a $1000 bucks. everything. And my Padi certification from 1986. Can you see my problem.
A poorly trained diver (padi, really worse than no training at all) with time away, . A jacket type bc ( a sign of unremitting stupidity I learn on here) which apparently will have so much drag that I will be hardly able to move, not at all if I use the split fins instead of my old compros, Split fins I now realise are just a gimmick and dont give as much thrust as my bare feet. A standard dive knife on my leg which after thousands of useful troublefree hours of use I find will catch and hang me up every second, all the while my computer console will be flailing around stirring up silt and wrecking coral. As if this isn't bad enough, now I find on this thread that if an out of air diver comes for assistance while I am floundering around in my deadly burden of Diw " Do It Wrong" equipment. I only have an Air2 octopus which is actaully a death sentence to the ooa diver and myself. That is if he can even find it as it is also dragging along the ocean floor digging up clumps of marine history willy nilly it seems it weight is similar to a boat anchor. What a total danger I am to the diving universe.
I think the best thing is , to go upstairs and fill the bath tub and drown myself there to save myself a bit of cash and time as obviously that is my only possible destiny.
Thanks for the help guys, you have saved another worthless wretch from going the long road to his demise.
thanks for the opportunty
Good Luck

ps thanks for the laughs. especially the one about the super dir diver with his alround super danger perception. That actualy made me laugh out loud.
Wow. Heck of a first post.
ps thanks for the laughs. especially the one about the super dir diver with his alround super danger perception. That actualy made me laugh out loud.

It ain't no big whoop, really ... I teach my AOW students how to do it. All ya gotta do is train yourself to look around rather than focusing on what's in front of you and making assumptions about what's going on around you. With a bit of practice it's as easy as walking and talking at the same time.

It ain't a DIR thing. Anybody can learn how to do it ... some folks are just too lazy to try ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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