Christi, I appreciate your polite,diplomatic response, and respect your knowledge and experience on the current realites down there, and I'm not at all looking for big fight (or even heated debate), it's all good, we're just shootin' the breeze here, so, that being said........
Mark - with all due respect, you're entitled to your opinion and to express your thoughts and experience. You've been gone for quite awhile and things are a lot different than they were then - even in my 16 years of operation, things have changed dramatically.
Yes, I also saw drastic changes in the decade+ I worked there ( proliferation of cell phones, internet cafes, the 2nd cruise ship pier,etc) and more in the couple times I've been back in the last 15 years. But, most of these changes are superficial, you'll never convince me that the dive buisness.....
stopped being the dive buisness, or that Mexico.....
stopped being Mexico, or that human nature has taken a drastic step upwards ! I realize different operators have better and worse degrees of personal ethics, but I know most of them did, do, and always will send the boat out if they can, rather than voluntarilly grounding it and refunding money. That's just the reality, in
every buisness.
And yes, topside temps can be a bit chilly when you're wet on a boat - no denial there.
Bit of an understatement there

. In the winter, I used to dive a 7mil 2-piece farmer john, and every diver i knew was wrapped in as much neoprene as they could get their hands on. I can't even recall how many trips I've been on where everybody on the boat was shivering and miserable, with the boat slamming them every couple seconds, all the way to the 2nd dive, and then again back to the caletta, and afterwards saying, "well, damn,
that sure sucked!!" A bit chilly, wasn't a problem, these other days were.
That was dave's (and my) point. No one is saying "at all costs, don't come down in the winter, you're gonna be miserable and maybe get killed", he was just giving folks a heads-up on the seasonal realites in that part of the world. It's no different than telling folks that the worst time to go vist New Orleans or Pheonix Arizona, is during the blazing heat of summer.
And BTW - the recent boat sinkings had nothing to do with weather - each of them were due to failures in sme way and/or being over capacity.
what ?? Dive operations knowingly filled their boats over capacity ???? Say it isn't so, Joe !!
Again, you are entitled to express your opinions, but expect some discussion and factual details to be presented so that people can make their own decisions about when is best for them and what risks they are willing to take.
I'm pretty confident nothing I've said, (or the essence of Dave's OP) has been un-factual, it's all just been over-reacted to, and taken out of context, as being some sort of assault against Cozumel. I'm all about people having the info and freedom to make the best decisions for them, which is why it's being pointed out that if they come diving in winter, they better not expect to be in the tranquil Caribbean ideal that they may be anticipating (their travel agent sure ain't gonna to pass this nugget along,right?).
I don't see how presenting this accurate info is a bad thing.